Thursday, October 27, 2011

Building the Social Media Community: Nike's "Never Stop Running" Campaign

"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.  ...I ran clear across Alabama.  No particular reason.  I just kept on going.  I ran clear to the ocean.  And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, might as well turn around, just keep on going.  And when I got to another ocean, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back and keep right on going...I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours..."
-Forrest Gump, 1994

Sounds like quite the trek, eh?  Maybe to you and me, but definitely not to Alice, the face of Nike's latest marketing adventure: Never Stop Running.

Never Stop Running?!

Nike (Running)'s new Social Media campaign - Never Stop Running - coincides with the company's recent release of the Lunar Glide+ 3 Shields.  The main idea behind the video?  Snag a pair of these "ultra-comfortable" shoes, and, like Alice, you too may never stop running.

The Never Stop Running initiative does more than just tout Nike's stellar footwear, however.  Rather, the program seeks to inspire online conversations and relationships amongst the members of the running community that engage in Social Media.  To foster participation, Nike has invited runners from around the world to share motivating stories, training tips, and general anecdotes about their favorite sport with the firm and its brand loyal followers.  Have you learned some valuable running advice recently?  Did you bust through a plateau during your last trail-run?  Or, maybe you caught wind of an upcoming event in your area?  If so, Nike and its millions of fans probably want to know all about it.  Simply leave a Comment about your story on Nike's Facebook Wall, or, if you prefer Micro-Blogging via Twitter, add the #neverstoprunning Hashtag to your next Tweet.  Chances are that someone else in the Social Media realm, if not Nike, will appreciate what you have to say.

Nike's Role in Never Stop Running

For many of the sport's enthusiasts, running is not just something you do to stay healthy - it is a way of life.  Therefore, to assist runners in obtaining the most from their running experience (and hopefully their new Lunar Glides), Nike plans to frequently unveil "running secrets" during the Never Stop Running campaign.  Appearing on the firm's Facebook and Twitter profiles, such advice will inform runners about ways to amp up their performance capabilities, allowing them to reach new heights, or distances in this case.  Additionally, Nike has also begun releasing Never Stop Running Challenges, which mobilize runners to increase the length of their training routes by completing some sort of task.  To verify accomplishment, participants must upload a picture that displays their success, and then Tag that photo to Nike's Facebook or Twitter account.  Take a look at the first Never Stop Running Challenge, which Nike created on October 24, 2011: 

I wonder if Nike plans to distribute prizes for Challenge winners...

Building the Never Stop Running Community

Through its Challenges and running secrets, Never Stop Running not only motivates runners to shatter their PRs (Personal Records) and distance goals, it also provides them with an engaging opportunity to envelope themselves in the online running community.  Members have the ability to share their thoughts and ideas with others, establish unique friendships, and learn new training methods that can add a little spice to their possibly bland routines.  In less than one week (the campaign began on October 21), Never Stop Running has generated thousands of public interactions across Facebook and Twitter, ranging from Comments and Likes to Tweets and Tags.  To boost participation in this regard, Nike promptly responds to user activity.  Via Comments, Likes, @Replies, Re-Tweets, and the #neverstoprunning Hashtag, the company keeps the Never Stop Running culture alive and flourishing.  As the program continues to gain awareness, it should be interesting to see just how many people across the globe begin to partake in its unique functions.  Perhaps, if I am feeling generous, I will post a follow-up in the future.  Regardless, I tip my hat to Nike for utilizing Social Media in a fashion that corresponds with its fundamental purpose: Participation.  Do not bail out now, Nike.  You fired the starting gun, and now that the community has took off, it will certainly Never Stop Running.

Andrew's Advice: Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

Training Tip (October 27, 2011):

Let out your inner warrior - Add a few, possibly 20, 50, or 100, Burpees to your next workout

I know what some of you are asking yourselves as you look at your screen:  What the hell is a Burpee?  Rather than confuse you with a series of meaningless text instructions, I thought I would simply show you how to perform the infamous Burpee.  Check out this brief instructional video by FitFate that I found on Youtube:

Burpees strengthen both your upper and lower body, making them a great addition to any exercise routine:

1.  Running: Every 1-3 miles, depending on the distance of your run, hit the stop button on your watch and perform 15-20 burpees.  Doing so will keep your heart rate up, build your muscular strength, and add a little bit of the unexpected to those long, drone-like runs.

2.  Biking:  Every 3 or 5 miles, park the ol' two wheeler and hammer out some Burpees.  Not only will you enjoy the above results, you will also rid yourself of some of the discomfort (for guys especially) that can surface while sitting on a bike seat for an extended period of time.

3.  Weight-Training:  Burpees are a great way to boost your heart rate and energy level before a weight-training session, and can also enhance your muscular endurance.  That way, when it comes time to throw some real weight around in the gym, you know your body can handle the increased resistance.

4.  General Calisthenics:  Burpees serve as a fantastic supplement to any combination of Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Dips, Squats, and other forms of calisthenics.  By incorporating Burpees into a body-weight workout, you can ensure that each of your muscles receive the attention they rightfully deserve.

When performing Burpees, you should focus your efforts on quality rather than quantity.  Keeping an eye on your technique will allow you to obtain the maximum benefit from each and every Burpee.

Now, get up, get out there, and throw a few down!

Andrew Snyder

Have an idea to share?  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that NIKE has been releasing quite a few running shoes lately.
