Saturday, November 5, 2011

Viral Video Blunders - Three Fitness Advertisements That Belong in the Recycle Bin

During my latest Internet investigation for Digital Marketing campaigns utilized by Health and Fitness firms, three promotional videos frequently appeared in my Google search results pages.  Normally, I would consider this occurrence as a sign that some of the industry's leaders had developed advertisements worthy enough to garner the viewership of thousands, if not millions, of Internet users around the world.  Well, the videos had definitely succeeded in amassing an impressive amount of online impressions (views), but not because of their excellent ad copy or stunning imagery.  Rather, the Internet ads that I enjoyed exposure to had quite a different feel to them - they were tremendously horrible.  Given my previous discussion over the insanity of the Swedish Diet campaign (click here to view), you can imagine how I felt after viewing these company promotions.  So, instead of analyzing a set of innovative, creative, and engaging examples of employing the digital sphere to conduct marketing activities, I have decided to succumb to my inner urges, and use this post as a means to textually bash the three "not-so-good" videos that I just introduced.  Get ready for a few laughs, to say the least.

K.E.F.T.Y. - Kinesthetic Exerciser For Transforming Yourself

To kick things off, consider a recent market entry, the Kefty Home Gym.  Now, most "home gyms" have a notorious reputation for not only producing sub-par results, but for also utilizing ridiculous advertisements in order to generate awareness and product adoption.  For some strange reason (I still haven't figured this one out), however, "motivated" people across the globe continue to snatch up these pieces of trash like the local garbage man.  Say hello to the Kefty Home Gym:

Seriously?!  That thing looks like something my penny-pinching father slapped together during one of his recent weekend-warrior escapades (sorry, Dad).  Not only does the Kefty Home Gym take the appearance of a combination of PVC pipe and bungee cords, the commercial promoting its "benefits" has the production quality and message consistency of a junior-high school film project.  Honestly, am I supposed to use the Kefty as a means to improve my fitness, or as a weapon in order to slay the donut-having members of our society?  And, if some miracle occurs and this product actually works as intended, I do not understand how that can solve one's "problem" of having a "Plumber's Butt."  Last time I checked, weight-loss frequently correlates with a waist line reduction, meaning that the ol' trousers might sag just a little bit - usually a fair trade-off for shedding a few pounds.

Osim iGallop

If you thought the Kefty Home Gym video seemed ridiculous, check out this spot for the Osim iGallop:

Sorry Osim, but I think the West lost on this one.  Regardless of the abdominal benefits obtained by the Sport, I would never consider horseback riding as "one of the best forms of exercise," especially when enjoyed from the comfort of my own home.  To add fuel to the "Western fire," I have an even more difficult time trying to take this video seriously.  Does Osim really expect me to believe that the gun-slinging cowgirls in its ad achieved their stunning physiques by sitting on a fake horse?!  The damn thing doesn't even throw the rider around for crying out loud!  Now, if the promotion had suggested hay-bailing of some other form of strenuous ranch labor, I may have been slightly convinced...


You have probably already heard of the infamous Shakeweight, and although it has received its fair share of media downplay from both South Park and Saturday Night Live, I thought I would add a little salt to its Internet wounds:

Dynamic Inertia, huh?  Spare me.  First, consider the product itself.  The Shakeweight "focuses" on a rather small subset of muscles (arms, shoulders, and chest), although I doubt it has little effect there, either.  And, the device also lacks a cardiovascular component - a vital part of any fitness regimen, regardless of the results desired.  As for the Shakeweight video, I think South Park's reference to the male-coveted "Old Fashioned" sums it up pretty clearly.  For those of you who have not seen the South Park Shakeweight spoof, I suggest you conduct a brief search on Youtube.  If you do not want to look up the video, just think a little outside of the box when viewing the motion of the exercise, and I think you will understand exactly what I mean.

Hope for Digital Marketing in the Health and Fitness Industry

Despite the ridiculousness of these three videos, do not let them leave you with a negative impression of Health and Fitness advertising.  Many reputable companies have developed a series of creative, engaging, and truthful promotions that have allowed them to enjoy an outstanding amount of online exposure.  In fact, such "Viral Video Greats" have frequently appeared throughout this blog.  Feel free to take a look at my archive of posts, where you can view an assortment of examples for successfully incorporating both online and offline video into a well-established marketing campaign.

Before I sign off, I ask one favor of you.  Please do not buy one of the products displayed above!  I can assure you that there are much better methods for improving your overall health and fitness.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

Nutrition Note (November 05, 2011):

Never underestimate the power of a banana

Bananas, in all of their scrumptious, yellow glory, commonly enjoy recognition as a "Super Food," and for good reason, too.  Because they contain ample amounts of Vitamin B and Potassium, bananas serve as a great way to manage digestion and blood sugar levels, and can also help you replenish your body's electrolyte stores following an intense workout.  In addition, these golden goodies are packed full of fast-acting carbohydrates, making them an excellent pre-workout snack.  Given such nutritional power, it should seem as no surprise that monkeys consume bananas like candy while they happily swing from tree to tree.  Okay, I admit it, I may have gone a little too far on that one.  But, nevertheless, you should seriously consider incorporating bananas into your overall nutrition plan.  Doing so will provide you with the fuel you need for stellar performance, and will satisfy your sweet tooth as well!

Have some advice of your own?  Share it with me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or leave a comment below!

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