Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wim Hoff and Columbia Sportswear - A "Cool" Approach to Digital Marketing

Now that we have passed the halfway point of November, those of us lucky enough to enjoy the moody Northern Iowa climate have begun to prepare for the Winter months ahead.  Well, maybe not all of us, but I definitely have, for I detest cold weather with an undying passion.  Not only do I shiver (pun intended) at the thought of having to walk to and from my daily classes through freezing temperatures, on sidewalks littered with snow and ice, I also loathe the fact that I will soon need to find an alternative to my morning runs - at least for those days in which sub-zero forecasts and/or slippery trails force me to opt for the treadmill.  Although I hope Old Man Winter holds off for just a few more weeks, I can feel his chilling breath at my back; he senses my fear and will soon relinquish his icy terror...

Okay, okay.  Maybe I have a slightly exaggerated anxiety for frigid weather.  Nevertheless, it seems that Columbia Sportswear has heard my relentless whimpering, and has come to my rescue with its new Omni-Heat Electric line of outdoor clothing.  To top it off, the company has also developed an impressive digital marketing campaign in order to introduce its "hot" new gear (again, pun intended).  Check it out:

Wim Hoff, you're a better man than me, for I can assure you that no one will ever find me running around half-naked at the tip of the Arctic Circle, or whatever you want to call that frozen Hell upon which you walk.

"Chilling" with Columbia and "The Ice Man"

Actually, I have met Wim before; he appeared in Discovery Channel's documentary series entitled "Extraordinary People" a few years ago.  I must say, his ability to employ his mind for body temperature regulation is quite amazing.  Equally impressive, at least in terms of digital marketing creativity, is Columbia's decision to cast the Ice Man (not to be confused with Chuck Liddel) in its online campaign for Omni-Heat Electric.  Obviously, you, me, and virtually every other person in the world cannot adjust our body heat in the face of glacial adversity, thus validating the claim that we are clearly "not Wim Hoff."  With the inclusion of this brief tag line, the Internet advertisement effectively widens Columbia's available market to potentially any person who has an immediate need for warm and rugged clothing in the near future.  And, as an individual who has enjoyed the company's coats, boots, and hats throughout many a cold Winter, I can personally attest to the quality of its outdoor wares.  Assuming that Columbia's other customers hold the same degree of product satisfaction as myself, the firm certainly possesses the requisite credibility for developing such a blunt, yet appropriate promotional program.

Screen shot of  Columbia's YouTube page -
I'm catching pneumonia just by looking at it.
To augment Wim Hoff's standing as the Omni-Heat Electric "Anti-Spokesperson," Columbia has recently devoted its entire YouTube channel towards hosting a series of "cool" videos (my last pun, I promise).  Ranging from "Wim-Hoff - Another Day at the Office" to "Ice Hole," each short spot capitalizes on the same main idea: Although the Ice Man can parade around in his underwear throughout the sub-zero climate, most of us cannot, so we should probably bundle up in Columbia's Omni-Heat gear, which offers "warmth at the touch of a button."

Columbia's Facebook Page

In addition to his appearance on Columbia's YouTube profile, Wim Hoff has also earned his own section on the company's Facebook page.  Titled "Wim Hoff" (how appropriate), the tab includes the above mentioned videos, the ability to peruse the Omni-Heat Electric product line, and links that direct users to the storefront available on Columbia's corporate website.  Also, because most consumers now expect the integration of sales promotions into any marketing campaign, the sportswear firm has developed a neat little contest that offers its Facebook fans an opportunity to win free Omni-Heat Electric gear:

An Avalanche of Success

As someone who loathes Winter and all of its unpleasantries, I find myself drawn to the warm tug (okay, I lied, one more pun) inherent in Columbia's Wim Hoff initiative.  And, given that the Ice Man videos have collectively generated over 1,000,000 online impressions, I do not think I stand alone in that regard.  Nice work, Columbia.  You should feel proud that, like Mr. Hoff himself, someone in your corporate ranks has used his or her brain for something other than participating in the weekly send-home vote on "Dancing with the Stars."

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

Training Tip (November 20, 2011):

When choosing a training partner, pick the one who's "right" for you

Having a partner in crime while at the gym or out on the trail can serve as an effective means for achieving your fitness goals.  Indeed, an exercise "buddy" will help you stay motivated and on track, while also ensuring that you perform each workout safely and effectively.  However, not all training partners are "created equal," meaning you should keep a few things in mind when selecting someone to accompany you while exercising:

1. Training Schedule.  Obviously, you and your teammate need to have an exercise routine in place that fits both of your schedules.  Set a time (and place) that works best for the both of you, taking into account such factors as the operating hours at your local gym, work (and other) obligations, and the time of day in which you and your partner feel energized and ready for action. 

2.  Fitness Goals.  Many people exercise for a variety of reasons, including weight loss, strength-building, cardiovascular endurance, and/or general recreation.  Partnering up with someone who holds similar training objectives will allow you to remain focused on your fitness goals, provide you with support during your "off days," and afford you the ability to develop a lasting relationship as both of you begin to enjoy success.

3.  Physical Capabilities.  Related to common fitness goals, you and your workout partner should also possess comparable levels of physical aptitude.  When two people have different skill sets and training thresholds, problems are bound to occur.  Not only will one person have to "ease up" and forego fitness improvements, the other will likely place his or her safety at risk by trying to push too hard, too fast.

4.  Common Interests.  Because you will spend a substantial amount of time with your exercise partner of choice, you may want to find someone who shares similar values, ideals, hobbies, etc., in addition to those pertaining to health and fitness.  Doing so facilitates the relationship-building process, thus improving your overall training experience.  In simple terms, if you would never consider hanging out with a prospective workout companion, you may want to choose someone else.

Regardless of who you team up with, remember that your primary objective needs to focus on achieving your health and fitness goals, not your partner's.  Although exercising with a friend can be both motivating and enjoyable, such satisfaction should not come at the expense of improvements in your training, as well as your overall safety.

Happy Hunting!  Maybe the Ice Man will go on a run with you?

Andrew Snyder

Ideas?  Share them with me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!  Or, leave a comment below!

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