Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dial 1 For Weight Loss: Health And Fitness Firms Capitalize On Mobile Technology

Shirts, pants, and shoes?  Check.  Wallet/Purse?  Check.  Car keys?  Check.  Cell (Smart) Phone?  CHECK!

Many of us engage in this mental checklist each time we walk out our front door, only to find that we feel increasingly anxious, uneasy, or even "naked" when we have forgotten the list's final item: Our precious Cell/Smart Phone.  Mobile devices have become as much a part of our lives as many common activities, including working, socializing, and even consuming food and beverages.  In fact, we often use our (frequently) Internet-enabled gadgets to make such tasks easier and more enjoyable, usually through some form of iPhone or Android-powered application, commonly known as an "App."  We have really come a long way from two tin cans tied together by a single piece of string, haven't we?

iPhone vs. Android
Sadly, the battle of my generation.
Businesses large and small have caught on to this mobile trend, and have created many Apps that serve as a type of after-sales service for many of their products, thus facilitating positive customer experiences.  Relationship-building represents the focus of this marketing strategy, and thanks to the advent of Smartphones and Mobile Technology, there is undoubtedly "an App for that."

Much like the other digitally-oriented business tactics I have discussed, the use of Smartphone and iPhone Apps has also appeared in the Health and Fitness industry.  Companies have now implemented a variety of mobile tools and software that not only aid you in achieving your personal health goals, but also keep their products at the top of your consideration set as you think about future purchases.  These Health and Fitness Apps take many forms, but I have listed four in particular worth discussing:

1. App (iPhone/Android - Free):  Download the App and enjoy instant access to the company's "BodySpace" - basically Facebook for fitness freaks (likely future post topic) - as well as exercise instructions, nutrition information, forum participation, and exercise/progress tracking tools.

2. Calorie Tracker (iPhone/Blackberry/Windows Mobile - $2.99):  Although a non-profit website (a partner of the Lance Armstrong Foundation), stays at the top of your list by providing you with its extremely useful calorie-tracking App.  The mobile tool compliments the website's "The Daily Plate" service, and allows you to construct a daily calorie goal based on your current weight and weight loss objective.  With your goal established, you can then record how many calories you consume each day by connecting to a database containing over half a million food items (including restaurant options) and their corresponding nutrient breakdown in terms of proportionate values for fat, protein, carbohydrates, etc.  The Calorie Tracker also allows you to calculate how many calories your burn while exercising.  To sum it up: "With a simple tap, you can track how many calories you can consume, burn, and net on a daily basis." -

3.  LA Fitness Mobile (iPhone/Android - Free):  Although LA Fitness has not established a presence in Iowa (Blog location, duh?!), the North American health club chain has begun to change the way its members connect with their favorite gym.  With the company's App, users can search for clubs that possess the amenities they desire, and can also keep track of frequented exercise classes and competitive sports leagues.  LA Fitness Mobile also provides members with a means to stay up to date with the firm's latest Tweets, postings, and specials; update membership profiles; view purchase receipts; and track exercise sessions.  In addition, LA Fitness uses its App as a referral system - members can spread the LA Fitness love by creating a personal VIP list, which provides their friends with a two week guest pass to try out the company's facilities. 

4.  Runner'sWorld/New Balance Smart Coach (iPhone/Android - $0.99/Free):  Thinking about entering a race in the coming future?  Then download the Smart Coach App to receive customized training guides for race distances ranging from 5K to the Marathon.  By simply inputting your recent race times, weekly distance goals, training level, and "Long-Run Day," as well as a start and end date, you can obtain a personal running plan that suits your individual fitness level and goals.  Smart Coach programs are based on the work of exercise physiologists, who use known oxygen consumption and running speed/length formulas to develop the mobile programs, similar to the methods used for actual prescribed workouts.

The above Smartphone/iPhone Apps represent just a fragment of the multitude of Mobile Health and Fitness tools that companies have created to enhance the experiences of their customers.  Although they do not constitute Digital Advertising in a literal sense, their use certainly facilitates brand equity and loyalty, and allows businesses to connect their product/service offerings with the goal achievement enjoyed by customers and clients who use these innovative Apps.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Nutrition Note (October 6, 2011):

If you want serious results, you need a serious nutrition plan

Although we have all heard the simple statement "You are what you eat," I cannot begin to express the utter significance of this fundamental idea.  In order to perform at a high level and reach your goals, whatever they may be, you must provide your body with the means (i.e. the fuel) to do so.  In this light, quality, nutrient-dense foods from a variety of animal and plant-based sources represent the keys to your achievement, and a proper nutrition plan will help ensure that you consume exactly what you need to succeed.

So, what does an optimal nutrition regimen look like?  During the Summer, my lovely girlfriend, Jordan Llewellyn (you should find her on Facebook, she's pretty neat), stumbled upon (yes, on StumbleUpon) a brief blog post that identified a nutrition plan almost parallel to my own, though I think I may have the post's owner beaten in terms of strictness.  Although some individuals may deem the following program too unreasonable and/or restrictive, I think it has quite a bit of merit.  And, to be frank, it does provide a humor factor as well.  Take a look below:
(Warning: Certain expletive words and phrases do follow)

Now, I have no idea who this "Jamal" fellow is, but I must say, the man knows his stuff.  Although I wholeheartedly agree with the fundamental purpose of this plan, please do not perceive this post as me saying that you should not concern yourself with taste and/or enjoyment when you eat.  I recognize the social utility in food consumption, and can certainly attest to the importance of food flavor.  I mean, who doesn't love a good meal with close friends and family?  However, I do believe that eating has become more of a past-time than a means of a healthy existence, and simply wanted to make the point that a large population of the American community could benefit from serious alterations in their daily consumption habits.  Nevertheless, do try to test your integrity, as your success will make you feel like a f!#$%&@ million dollars.
Share Your Ideas! Leave a comment below, or message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

Don't forget your Smartphone when you walk out that door, you're bound to fail naked without it!

Andrew Snyder

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