Friday, October 14, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Facebook 2 - This Is Sparta!

Fire.  Barbed Wire.  Mud Pits.  Armed Warriors.  Survival Of The Fittest.

No, you have not just reached the deepest depths of Hell, although you may feel that way after testing your physical and mental limits in one of the world's most brutal events - Spartan Race.  Led by a team of endurance athletes and a Royal Marine, Spartan Race has created a series of obstacle course races designed to push each participant to their breaking point.  As a man who loves the idea of putting his body, mind, and spirit through immense agony, only to laugh about it later, I have become a huge fan of Spartan Race in recent months.  After watching the video below, you will understand why I hold such high esteem for the organization and its beastly events.

One word: Epic.

Adding Fuel To The Spartan Race Fire - Facebook Marketing

Not only has Spartan Race created the obstacle race series of a lifetime, it has also implemented a sound marketing strategy to promote its grueling events, thus warranting its inclusion in Digitally Fit.  If you recall my previous post on Facebook marketing (click here for a reminder), I discussed that Fitness firms often utilize their Facebook accounts for four common marketing purposes.  One such "Facebook Function" entailed the distribution of Sales Promotions.  Like its industry peers, Spartan Race also gives its Facebook fans an opportunity to receive special offers, usually in the form of a free race entry.  However, unlike the typical Status Update coupon or discount, Spartan Race's most recent Facebook promotion represents an innovative way to attract participants, generate awareness, and build brand loyalty.  Take a quick look below at the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway:

So, what makes the I AM LEONIDAS campaign so amazing from a marketing perspective?  Let me break it down for you:

1.  Exposure.  Think about it.  At the time of this writing, approximately 4,000 loyal Spartans have embedded that small badge on to their Facebook profile picture, where it will likely stay until the end of 2011 (unless they win, of course).  Each time someone lurking on Facebook views an entrant's profile, he or she immediately recognizes the Spartan Race logo, meaning the organization has just earned another online impression.  And, if that person decides, "Hey, I want in, that looks awesome!" Spartan Race obtains yet another follower who will continue to spread the company's image across the Facebook realm.  Multiply this simple trend by the number of days left in the year, and I think you will begin to see my point.

2.  Low Cost.  First, Facebook does not require a fee to register a profile, so Spartan Race does not face any monetary costs (not including HR and/or time based opportunity costs) for its presence on the social networking website.  Second, because entrants in the I AM LEONIDAS giveaway promote the campaign through their profile picture badge, Spartan Race avoids the typical financial outlays required for print and/or television advertisements.  Third, assuming that every winner does not redeem their free pass at the same event, the racing association will not likely lose a significant amount of revenue from entry fees.  Given such low marketing costs for the I AM LEONIDAS promotional contest, Spartan Race can continue to offer and improve (i.e. make them more challenging) the adrenaline filled obstacle races that thousands have come to know and love.

3.  Community.  Entrance into the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway represents more than just an opportunity to win a free race, it stands as a chance to join the Spartan community, or phalanx, if you know your history.  By placing that little badge on their profile picture, each contestant identifies him or herself as a member of a society of people who not only enjoy obstacle course racing, but who also seek to constantly take their mental and physical capabilities to the next level.

In short, the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway is not another run-of-the-mill Facebook promotion aimed at securing corporate profits.  Rather, Spartan Race and its promotional contest represents a movement to propel people from their couches to an invigorating, life-changing experience.  And that, my friends, is a true warrior's mission.

Spartan Race Obtains Another Soldier!

You're damned right if you assumed that I joined in on this noble cause:

Yours truly, after stomping my girlfriend,
Jordan Llewellyn, in a round of mini-golf
down in AZ.

Whether or not I win a free pass, I plan to enter a Spartan Race in 2012.  Message me if you want to join in!

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Training Tip (October 14, 2011):

Try the Cardio Repeater - Run, bike, or swim whatever distance you had planned for the day, and then do it again.

Not much commentary needed here.  The Cardio Repeater pretty much explains itself, but here's something to keep in mind: When performing the Cardio Repeater, you do not necessarily need to shoot for speed.  Rather, aim to complete the exercise with as little rest as possible between the two sets, ideally without stopping.  Doing so not only builds your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, it strengthens your mind as well.  By pushing beyond your typical training limits, you can shatter through recent plateaus that may have surfaced in your fitness regimen.

Have an idea to share?  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

Spartan Race asks it best: Are you Spartan tough?

Andrew Snyder

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