Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Using My Fitness Blog To Blog About Fitness Blogs

Talk about a mouthful...

In today's post, I thought I would raise the Social Media Saga from the dead by discussing blogs.  As a courtesy to those around you, please try to keep your excitement contained - you can scream and shout on the inside.

Story of my blogging life?
To begin, WebLogs, blogs for short, are basically mini web pages where users can upload text, pictures, videos, and other content relevant to their interests.  People around the world construct blogs to journal about their lives (anyone remember Xanga?), rant about life's frustrations, discuss current events, and/or provide interesting information to an audience of readers (ahem, Digitally Fit!).  Once on the web, anyone with an Internet connection and a little free time can view the blog's contents, and can also share it with others via the host web site, social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), or through actual human conversation (far-fetched, I know).

The use of blogs has expanded dramatically in recent years, and Mr. Corporation has added these online communication tools to his marketing arsenal.  In fact, because blogs have proven to be extremely useful (think "marketing oasis"), many organizations have developed teams of employees dedicated to this area.  A group of people I like to call "brand journalists," these individuals promote their company's products and services, generate brand awareness, and develop meaningful relationships with customers.  In addition, they ensure that readers/viewers like you and me enjoy a satisfying experience when accessing the information and entertainment media displayed in the corporate blog.  As long as the content remains relevant and interesting, and contains little competitive ranting, the success of business blogs will likely continue into the future.

Health And Fitness Firms Have Also Caught The Blogging Bug!

Like other businesses, Health and Fitness firms also utilize blogs as a tool to provide compelling information to customers.  Most fitness-oriented blogs focus on news related content, covering a wide range of topics, including: Recent health studies, workout ideas and training tips, nutrition advice, and methods for incorporating an organization's products into an effective health program.  To provide you with a feel for fitness blogs, I have listed three of my favorites below.

1.  Optimum Nutrition (ON)

That's actually a picture of me gettin' my swell on in the gym

Optimum Nutrition's news blog discusses recent health research and findings, effective training strategies, past and future company events, and methods for incorporating its protein and other supplements into a beneficial nutrition regimen.  Each post also features a "True Strength Moment" - basically the "Why It's Important" section of the article, which also describes how ON's products can aid in implementing the main thrust of the subject in consideration.  Overall: Short and sweet - you do not have to strain too much to learn a lot.

This well known magazine has crafted a comprehensive online resource for its worldwide audience of males (sorry ladies; I guess if you really want to you can read as well).  The Men's Fitness blog covers many different categories: Exercising, training gear, nutrition, entertainment (Hey, we need R & R too, you know), and many others.  Posts also frequently contain a reader poll or survey, where men can anonymously share their feelings with others, allowing them to let out those pent up emotions without losing their "man card."  Overall: Healthy content for men, by men.

As if my fascination with Spartan Race wasn't enough (I mean, who doesn't love the idea of crawling through mud, jumping over fire, and warding off 250 pound giants wielding those American Gladiator "Q-Tips"?), the race organization solidified its position on the top of my list with its Spartan Blog.  A majority of the posts in the Spartan Blog document each Spartan event, providing captivating (sometimes humorous) photos, inspirational videos, race times, and motivating participant stories.  Spartan Blog also goes one step further by describing what I like to call "Spartan Race Best Practices."  Readers learn the do's and don'ts of the race, and also pick up on some key tips to remember when preparing for and participating in the grueling events (i.e. Do not wear white cotton; you will get a tad bit muddy!)  Overall: Information that ensures your survival.

Although somewhat different, these three Health and Fitness blogs all have one thing in common: They provide interesting, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with their audience.  Readers/viewers (myself included) feel a unique connection with the host company, which translates into brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and an increased probability of future purchases.  Sounds like a win-win situation if you ask me.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Health Habits

Training Tip (October 11, 2011):

Step your game up - Add a weighted vest to your next workout

After a period of frequent exercise sessions (usually 5-7 weeks), your body becomes accustomed to the physical stress you place on it while training.  In a sense, your muscles "know" what to expect when the time comes to hit the gym or lace up your running shoes.  Although this occurrence means you have increased your performance capabilities, it also indicates that its time to alter your workout and/or ramp up the intensity.  If you do not have the time to learn a new routine, or simply enjoy consistency while training, try incorporating a weighted vest in your workout from time to time, particularly once or twice a week.  Even a 10 or 20 lb. model will give your body an extra "shock," putting those cocky new muscles of yours back into their rightful place, and allowing you to continue to enjoy significant improvements in your strength, speed, and endurance.  Weighted vests provide a great opportunity to test your mental limits as well.  You will notice the extra pounds within minutes, if not seconds, and your friend Mr. Burn will begin playing those nasty games with your mind.  At that time, just remember your goal, and prove to yourself that you can accomplish what you set out to do.  You know what they say: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Someone has an idea out there, I just know it.  Share it with me via E-mail (snydeaab@uni.edu) Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

By the way, I plan on entering a Spartan Race in 2012 - If anyone wants to get a group together in order to take advantage of a discount on entry fees, let me know!  Click here to learn more about Spartan Race.

Stay motivated,

Andrew Snyder


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