Thursday, October 27, 2011

Building the Social Media Community: Nike's "Never Stop Running" Campaign

"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.  ...I ran clear across Alabama.  No particular reason.  I just kept on going.  I ran clear to the ocean.  And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, might as well turn around, just keep on going.  And when I got to another ocean, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back and keep right on going...I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours..."
-Forrest Gump, 1994

Sounds like quite the trek, eh?  Maybe to you and me, but definitely not to Alice, the face of Nike's latest marketing adventure: Never Stop Running.

Never Stop Running?!

Nike (Running)'s new Social Media campaign - Never Stop Running - coincides with the company's recent release of the Lunar Glide+ 3 Shields.  The main idea behind the video?  Snag a pair of these "ultra-comfortable" shoes, and, like Alice, you too may never stop running.

The Never Stop Running initiative does more than just tout Nike's stellar footwear, however.  Rather, the program seeks to inspire online conversations and relationships amongst the members of the running community that engage in Social Media.  To foster participation, Nike has invited runners from around the world to share motivating stories, training tips, and general anecdotes about their favorite sport with the firm and its brand loyal followers.  Have you learned some valuable running advice recently?  Did you bust through a plateau during your last trail-run?  Or, maybe you caught wind of an upcoming event in your area?  If so, Nike and its millions of fans probably want to know all about it.  Simply leave a Comment about your story on Nike's Facebook Wall, or, if you prefer Micro-Blogging via Twitter, add the #neverstoprunning Hashtag to your next Tweet.  Chances are that someone else in the Social Media realm, if not Nike, will appreciate what you have to say.

Nike's Role in Never Stop Running

For many of the sport's enthusiasts, running is not just something you do to stay healthy - it is a way of life.  Therefore, to assist runners in obtaining the most from their running experience (and hopefully their new Lunar Glides), Nike plans to frequently unveil "running secrets" during the Never Stop Running campaign.  Appearing on the firm's Facebook and Twitter profiles, such advice will inform runners about ways to amp up their performance capabilities, allowing them to reach new heights, or distances in this case.  Additionally, Nike has also begun releasing Never Stop Running Challenges, which mobilize runners to increase the length of their training routes by completing some sort of task.  To verify accomplishment, participants must upload a picture that displays their success, and then Tag that photo to Nike's Facebook or Twitter account.  Take a look at the first Never Stop Running Challenge, which Nike created on October 24, 2011: 

I wonder if Nike plans to distribute prizes for Challenge winners...

Building the Never Stop Running Community

Through its Challenges and running secrets, Never Stop Running not only motivates runners to shatter their PRs (Personal Records) and distance goals, it also provides them with an engaging opportunity to envelope themselves in the online running community.  Members have the ability to share their thoughts and ideas with others, establish unique friendships, and learn new training methods that can add a little spice to their possibly bland routines.  In less than one week (the campaign began on October 21), Never Stop Running has generated thousands of public interactions across Facebook and Twitter, ranging from Comments and Likes to Tweets and Tags.  To boost participation in this regard, Nike promptly responds to user activity.  Via Comments, Likes, @Replies, Re-Tweets, and the #neverstoprunning Hashtag, the company keeps the Never Stop Running culture alive and flourishing.  As the program continues to gain awareness, it should be interesting to see just how many people across the globe begin to partake in its unique functions.  Perhaps, if I am feeling generous, I will post a follow-up in the future.  Regardless, I tip my hat to Nike for utilizing Social Media in a fashion that corresponds with its fundamental purpose: Participation.  Do not bail out now, Nike.  You fired the starting gun, and now that the community has took off, it will certainly Never Stop Running.

Andrew's Advice: Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

Training Tip (October 27, 2011):

Let out your inner warrior - Add a few, possibly 20, 50, or 100, Burpees to your next workout

I know what some of you are asking yourselves as you look at your screen:  What the hell is a Burpee?  Rather than confuse you with a series of meaningless text instructions, I thought I would simply show you how to perform the infamous Burpee.  Check out this brief instructional video by FitFate that I found on Youtube:

Burpees strengthen both your upper and lower body, making them a great addition to any exercise routine:

1.  Running: Every 1-3 miles, depending on the distance of your run, hit the stop button on your watch and perform 15-20 burpees.  Doing so will keep your heart rate up, build your muscular strength, and add a little bit of the unexpected to those long, drone-like runs.

2.  Biking:  Every 3 or 5 miles, park the ol' two wheeler and hammer out some Burpees.  Not only will you enjoy the above results, you will also rid yourself of some of the discomfort (for guys especially) that can surface while sitting on a bike seat for an extended period of time.

3.  Weight-Training:  Burpees are a great way to boost your heart rate and energy level before a weight-training session, and can also enhance your muscular endurance.  That way, when it comes time to throw some real weight around in the gym, you know your body can handle the increased resistance.

4.  General Calisthenics:  Burpees serve as a fantastic supplement to any combination of Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Dips, Squats, and other forms of calisthenics.  By incorporating Burpees into a body-weight workout, you can ensure that each of your muscles receive the attention they rightfully deserve.

When performing Burpees, you should focus your efforts on quality rather than quantity.  Keeping an eye on your technique will allow you to obtain the maximum benefit from each and every Burpee.

Now, get up, get out there, and throw a few down!

Andrew Snyder

Have an idea to share?  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Klout - Measuring The Influence of Health and Fitness Firms

Buyer Beware!

Marketing has become a frightening term in the world of commerce and customer perception.  In fact, many consumer-protection agencies, political leaders, and upset moms worldwide will have you believe that the sole purpose of marketing is to convince innocent people like you and me to place our hard-earned money into the pockets of wealthy, cigar-smoking CEOs.  And, now that we have allowed large corporations to infiltrate our lives through our Facebook, Twitter, and related Social Media accounts, we will do anything they tell us to do, including purchasing their products and services.  In addition, Health and Fitness firms, as they tap into our desires to improve our personal well-being and appearance, most certainly have a tremendous impact on our decisions in the marketplace.

Wait.  Does this really happen?  Do large businesses - Health and Fitness organizations in particular - actually sway our buying behavior through their marketing programs?  One way to find out, at least in terms of Social Media "swagger," is by taking a look at their Klout score.  No, I did not just make a spelling error.  Klout, an online portal that made its debut in 2008, analyzes the degree of influence that a particular user (or business, in the case of this discussion), has on websites such as Twitter and Facebook, among others, and then assigns a corresponding Klout score, ranging from 0-100.

To determine a user's Klout score, Klout measures three variables related to the size of their social network (e.g. Follower/Following count and # of Friends), the the type of content that they create (e.g. Tweets, Comments, and Wall Posts), and the interactions others have with such messages (e.g. Re-Tweets and Likes).  Let me break each of the variables down for you:

1.  True Reach - The number of people influenced by a user.  True reach is concerned with more than just having thousands of Followers and/or Friends, however.  Rather, Klout focuses on the audience members that actually react to posted content by responding to it or sharing it with others.

2.  Amplification - The degree of influence that a user has over others in their network.  Measured on scale of 1-100, Amplification relates to the likelihood that a message will generate actions in the Social Graph (i.e. Re-Tweets, Likes, Comments, etc.).

3.  Network Impact - The influence of a user's True Reach.  Also rated on a 1-100 scale, Network Impact specifies the frequency at with Opinion Leaders (i.e. people with a high Klout score) engage with the messages posted on a members Twitter and Facebook account.  In other terms, Network Impact basically applies the Amplification variable to an account holder's entire Social Media audience.

After combining the above three factors, Klout then presents a final Klout score, which, in essence, identifies a user's ability to create engaging content that people wish to share in their respective social networks.

So, just how influential are some the world's most well known Health and Fitness Firms?  To give you an idea, I have listed the Klout scores (including True Reach, Amplification, and Network Impact) of 4 organizations that have frequently appeared in my Blog posts.  Take a look at what Klout (as of Oct. 22) has to say about the nature of their Social Media presence:

1.  Men's Health
Klout Score: 80
Top 3 Influential Topics: Health, Health Care, Fitness
True Reach: 196K - "Men's Health has the largest, most engaged audience possible."
Amplification: 71 - "Men's Health is very likely to have any message amplified and acted upon."
Network Impact: 84 - "Men's Health is constantly engaged by influential people."
Klout Style: Specialist - "You [Men's Health] may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none.  Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience."

Klout Score: 61
Top 3 Influential Topics: Bodybuilding, Health, Fitness
True Reach: 14K - " has a huge network that is highly engaged."
Amplification: 42 - " has a high percentage of content amplified."
Network Impact: 65 - " generates a high level of engagement from other influencers."
Klout Style: Broadcaster - "You [] broadcast great content that spreads like wildfire.  You are an essential information source in your industry.  You have a large and diverse audience that values your content."

3.  Spartan Race
Klout Score: 57
Top 3 Influential Topics: Staten Island, Training, Fitness
True Reach: 5K - "Spartan Race has worked very hard to successfully build a large, highly engaged network."
Amplification: 39 - "Spartan Race generates a steady flow of actions and discussions."
Network Impact: 60 - "Spartan Race is engaged by influencers."
Klout Style: Specialist - "You [Spartan Race] may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none.  Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience."

4.  Cytosport
Klout Score: 47
Top 3 Influential Topics: Business, Fitness, Chocolate (This better refer to protein powder flavors, NOT real chocolate!)
True Reach: 1K - "Cytosport has worked very hard to successfully build a large, highly engaged network."
Amplification: 27 - "Cytosport generates a steady flow of actions and discussions."
Network Impact: 54 - "Cytosport is engaged by influencers"
Klout Style: Feeder - "Your [Cytosport's] audience relies on you for a steady flow of information bout your industry or topic.  Your network is hooked on your updates and secretly can't live without them."

So what?!

Rather than measure the ability to wrongfully persuade consumers, Klout gives Health and Fitness firms the opportunity to measure the degree of meaningful influence they possess in their Social Media networks.  By analyzing the various components that contribute to their overall Klout score and style, organizations can determine whether the content they create on a regular basis actually "sticks" with their customers.  Similarly, Health and Fitness companies should monitor the topics that Klout deems them as influential about.  Whether or not they are entirely accurate, these identified subjects signal some of the perceptions that consumers have about a business and its brand(s).  Understanding why such associations occur is a key component to managing brand equity.  Case in point - Does Cytosport, a nutrition supplement manufacturer, really want to be considered influential about Chocolate?  I highly doubt it.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

Nutrition Note (October 22, 2011):

When choosing fruits and vegetables, simply follow the colors of the rainbow

Not to burst your bubble, but I did NOT just give you permission to go to town on a bag of Skittles.  Sorry.  What I mean by "follow the colors of the rainbow," is to consume fruits and vegetables that take on a palette of different tones and hues.  In doing so, not only do you add to the assortment of tastes and flavors offered by these healthy foods, you also ensure that you provide your body with the nutrients it needs for stellar performance.  In most cases (not all), fruits and vegetables of different colors contain separate types of vitamins and minerals.  Take a look at a few common fruit/vegetable-color combos fit for any fitness king or queen.

Apples, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, etc. contain a plant pigment named Lycopene that may reduce the risk of several types of cancer.  And, to top it off, many red berries also have a large number of antioxidants that link to increased heart health.

Cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, sweet corn, squash, and many others often possess high levels of beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in our bodies.  In doing so, these fruits and vegetables help us maintain our immune systems and promote improved vision.  In addition, many citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin B, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

Asparagus, broccoli, kiwi, lettuce, limes, and spinach - the list goes on and on.  If you think back to Biology 101, you will remember that green plants receive their color from the pigment Chlorophyll, and usually contain Lutein.  Lutein, as well as another chemical, Zexanthin, work together to promote muscular maintenance and development.  And, leafy greens in particular offer an amply supply Folate and Vitamin B.

Blueberries, eggplant, plums, grapes, and raisins (and more) are a great source of antioxidants that improve our vulnerability to cancer, stroke, and heart disease.  In some research experiments, eating blueberries correlated with improved memory and healthy aging.

Bananas, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, and turnips, just to name a few, possess a chemical known as Allicin, which has been found to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and may also ward off stomach cancer and heart disease.  To top it off, some yellow fruits/veggies such as bananas also contain relatively large amounts of Potassium - an important mineral for optimum cell/organ functioning.

So, as you reach for fruits and vegetables throughout your day, look to Mr. ROY G BIV for a little bit of guidance.  I promise that your body, and your taste buds, will thank you.

Share Your Ideas!  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

Andrew Snyder

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Facebook 2 - This Is Sparta!

Fire.  Barbed Wire.  Mud Pits.  Armed Warriors.  Survival Of The Fittest.

No, you have not just reached the deepest depths of Hell, although you may feel that way after testing your physical and mental limits in one of the world's most brutal events - Spartan Race.  Led by a team of endurance athletes and a Royal Marine, Spartan Race has created a series of obstacle course races designed to push each participant to their breaking point.  As a man who loves the idea of putting his body, mind, and spirit through immense agony, only to laugh about it later, I have become a huge fan of Spartan Race in recent months.  After watching the video below, you will understand why I hold such high esteem for the organization and its beastly events.

One word: Epic.

Adding Fuel To The Spartan Race Fire - Facebook Marketing

Not only has Spartan Race created the obstacle race series of a lifetime, it has also implemented a sound marketing strategy to promote its grueling events, thus warranting its inclusion in Digitally Fit.  If you recall my previous post on Facebook marketing (click here for a reminder), I discussed that Fitness firms often utilize their Facebook accounts for four common marketing purposes.  One such "Facebook Function" entailed the distribution of Sales Promotions.  Like its industry peers, Spartan Race also gives its Facebook fans an opportunity to receive special offers, usually in the form of a free race entry.  However, unlike the typical Status Update coupon or discount, Spartan Race's most recent Facebook promotion represents an innovative way to attract participants, generate awareness, and build brand loyalty.  Take a quick look below at the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway:

So, what makes the I AM LEONIDAS campaign so amazing from a marketing perspective?  Let me break it down for you:

1.  Exposure.  Think about it.  At the time of this writing, approximately 4,000 loyal Spartans have embedded that small badge on to their Facebook profile picture, where it will likely stay until the end of 2011 (unless they win, of course).  Each time someone lurking on Facebook views an entrant's profile, he or she immediately recognizes the Spartan Race logo, meaning the organization has just earned another online impression.  And, if that person decides, "Hey, I want in, that looks awesome!" Spartan Race obtains yet another follower who will continue to spread the company's image across the Facebook realm.  Multiply this simple trend by the number of days left in the year, and I think you will begin to see my point.

2.  Low Cost.  First, Facebook does not require a fee to register a profile, so Spartan Race does not face any monetary costs (not including HR and/or time based opportunity costs) for its presence on the social networking website.  Second, because entrants in the I AM LEONIDAS giveaway promote the campaign through their profile picture badge, Spartan Race avoids the typical financial outlays required for print and/or television advertisements.  Third, assuming that every winner does not redeem their free pass at the same event, the racing association will not likely lose a significant amount of revenue from entry fees.  Given such low marketing costs for the I AM LEONIDAS promotional contest, Spartan Race can continue to offer and improve (i.e. make them more challenging) the adrenaline filled obstacle races that thousands have come to know and love.

3.  Community.  Entrance into the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway represents more than just an opportunity to win a free race, it stands as a chance to join the Spartan community, or phalanx, if you know your history.  By placing that little badge on their profile picture, each contestant identifies him or herself as a member of a society of people who not only enjoy obstacle course racing, but who also seek to constantly take their mental and physical capabilities to the next level.

In short, the I AM LEONIDAS Spartan Race Giveaway is not another run-of-the-mill Facebook promotion aimed at securing corporate profits.  Rather, Spartan Race and its promotional contest represents a movement to propel people from their couches to an invigorating, life-changing experience.  And that, my friends, is a true warrior's mission.

Spartan Race Obtains Another Soldier!

You're damned right if you assumed that I joined in on this noble cause:

Yours truly, after stomping my girlfriend,
Jordan Llewellyn, in a round of mini-golf
down in AZ.

Whether or not I win a free pass, I plan to enter a Spartan Race in 2012.  Message me if you want to join in!

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Training Tip (October 14, 2011):

Try the Cardio Repeater - Run, bike, or swim whatever distance you had planned for the day, and then do it again.

Not much commentary needed here.  The Cardio Repeater pretty much explains itself, but here's something to keep in mind: When performing the Cardio Repeater, you do not necessarily need to shoot for speed.  Rather, aim to complete the exercise with as little rest as possible between the two sets, ideally without stopping.  Doing so not only builds your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, it strengthens your mind as well.  By pushing beyond your typical training limits, you can shatter through recent plateaus that may have surfaced in your fitness regimen.

Have an idea to share?  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

Spartan Race asks it best: Are you Spartan tough?

Andrew Snyder

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Using My Fitness Blog To Blog About Fitness Blogs

Talk about a mouthful...

In today's post, I thought I would raise the Social Media Saga from the dead by discussing blogs.  As a courtesy to those around you, please try to keep your excitement contained - you can scream and shout on the inside.

Story of my blogging life?
To begin, WebLogs, blogs for short, are basically mini web pages where users can upload text, pictures, videos, and other content relevant to their interests.  People around the world construct blogs to journal about their lives (anyone remember Xanga?), rant about life's frustrations, discuss current events, and/or provide interesting information to an audience of readers (ahem, Digitally Fit!).  Once on the web, anyone with an Internet connection and a little free time can view the blog's contents, and can also share it with others via the host web site, social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), or through actual human conversation (far-fetched, I know).

The use of blogs has expanded dramatically in recent years, and Mr. Corporation has added these online communication tools to his marketing arsenal.  In fact, because blogs have proven to be extremely useful (think "marketing oasis"), many organizations have developed teams of employees dedicated to this area.  A group of people I like to call "brand journalists," these individuals promote their company's products and services, generate brand awareness, and develop meaningful relationships with customers.  In addition, they ensure that readers/viewers like you and me enjoy a satisfying experience when accessing the information and entertainment media displayed in the corporate blog.  As long as the content remains relevant and interesting, and contains little competitive ranting, the success of business blogs will likely continue into the future.

Health And Fitness Firms Have Also Caught The Blogging Bug!

Like other businesses, Health and Fitness firms also utilize blogs as a tool to provide compelling information to customers.  Most fitness-oriented blogs focus on news related content, covering a wide range of topics, including: Recent health studies, workout ideas and training tips, nutrition advice, and methods for incorporating an organization's products into an effective health program.  To provide you with a feel for fitness blogs, I have listed three of my favorites below.

1.  Optimum Nutrition (ON)

That's actually a picture of me gettin' my swell on in the gym

Optimum Nutrition's news blog discusses recent health research and findings, effective training strategies, past and future company events, and methods for incorporating its protein and other supplements into a beneficial nutrition regimen.  Each post also features a "True Strength Moment" - basically the "Why It's Important" section of the article, which also describes how ON's products can aid in implementing the main thrust of the subject in consideration.  Overall: Short and sweet - you do not have to strain too much to learn a lot.

This well known magazine has crafted a comprehensive online resource for its worldwide audience of males (sorry ladies; I guess if you really want to you can read as well).  The Men's Fitness blog covers many different categories: Exercising, training gear, nutrition, entertainment (Hey, we need R & R too, you know), and many others.  Posts also frequently contain a reader poll or survey, where men can anonymously share their feelings with others, allowing them to let out those pent up emotions without losing their "man card."  Overall: Healthy content for men, by men.

As if my fascination with Spartan Race wasn't enough (I mean, who doesn't love the idea of crawling through mud, jumping over fire, and warding off 250 pound giants wielding those American Gladiator "Q-Tips"?), the race organization solidified its position on the top of my list with its Spartan Blog.  A majority of the posts in the Spartan Blog document each Spartan event, providing captivating (sometimes humorous) photos, inspirational videos, race times, and motivating participant stories.  Spartan Blog also goes one step further by describing what I like to call "Spartan Race Best Practices."  Readers learn the do's and don'ts of the race, and also pick up on some key tips to remember when preparing for and participating in the grueling events (i.e. Do not wear white cotton; you will get a tad bit muddy!)  Overall: Information that ensures your survival.

Although somewhat different, these three Health and Fitness blogs all have one thing in common: They provide interesting, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with their audience.  Readers/viewers (myself included) feel a unique connection with the host company, which translates into brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and an increased probability of future purchases.  Sounds like a win-win situation if you ask me.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Health Habits

Training Tip (October 11, 2011):

Step your game up - Add a weighted vest to your next workout

After a period of frequent exercise sessions (usually 5-7 weeks), your body becomes accustomed to the physical stress you place on it while training.  In a sense, your muscles "know" what to expect when the time comes to hit the gym or lace up your running shoes.  Although this occurrence means you have increased your performance capabilities, it also indicates that its time to alter your workout and/or ramp up the intensity.  If you do not have the time to learn a new routine, or simply enjoy consistency while training, try incorporating a weighted vest in your workout from time to time, particularly once or twice a week.  Even a 10 or 20 lb. model will give your body an extra "shock," putting those cocky new muscles of yours back into their rightful place, and allowing you to continue to enjoy significant improvements in your strength, speed, and endurance.  Weighted vests provide a great opportunity to test your mental limits as well.  You will notice the extra pounds within minutes, if not seconds, and your friend Mr. Burn will begin playing those nasty games with your mind.  At that time, just remember your goal, and prove to yourself that you can accomplish what you set out to do.  You know what they say: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Someone has an idea out there, I just know it.  Share it with me via E-mail ( Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

By the way, I plan on entering a Spartan Race in 2012 - If anyone wants to get a group together in order to take advantage of a discount on entry fees, let me know!  Click here to learn more about Spartan Race.

Stay motivated,

Andrew Snyder


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dial 1 For Weight Loss: Health And Fitness Firms Capitalize On Mobile Technology

Shirts, pants, and shoes?  Check.  Wallet/Purse?  Check.  Car keys?  Check.  Cell (Smart) Phone?  CHECK!

Many of us engage in this mental checklist each time we walk out our front door, only to find that we feel increasingly anxious, uneasy, or even "naked" when we have forgotten the list's final item: Our precious Cell/Smart Phone.  Mobile devices have become as much a part of our lives as many common activities, including working, socializing, and even consuming food and beverages.  In fact, we often use our (frequently) Internet-enabled gadgets to make such tasks easier and more enjoyable, usually through some form of iPhone or Android-powered application, commonly known as an "App."  We have really come a long way from two tin cans tied together by a single piece of string, haven't we?

iPhone vs. Android
Sadly, the battle of my generation.
Businesses large and small have caught on to this mobile trend, and have created many Apps that serve as a type of after-sales service for many of their products, thus facilitating positive customer experiences.  Relationship-building represents the focus of this marketing strategy, and thanks to the advent of Smartphones and Mobile Technology, there is undoubtedly "an App for that."

Much like the other digitally-oriented business tactics I have discussed, the use of Smartphone and iPhone Apps has also appeared in the Health and Fitness industry.  Companies have now implemented a variety of mobile tools and software that not only aid you in achieving your personal health goals, but also keep their products at the top of your consideration set as you think about future purchases.  These Health and Fitness Apps take many forms, but I have listed four in particular worth discussing:

1. App (iPhone/Android - Free):  Download the App and enjoy instant access to the company's "BodySpace" - basically Facebook for fitness freaks (likely future post topic) - as well as exercise instructions, nutrition information, forum participation, and exercise/progress tracking tools.

2. Calorie Tracker (iPhone/Blackberry/Windows Mobile - $2.99):  Although a non-profit website (a partner of the Lance Armstrong Foundation), stays at the top of your list by providing you with its extremely useful calorie-tracking App.  The mobile tool compliments the website's "The Daily Plate" service, and allows you to construct a daily calorie goal based on your current weight and weight loss objective.  With your goal established, you can then record how many calories you consume each day by connecting to a database containing over half a million food items (including restaurant options) and their corresponding nutrient breakdown in terms of proportionate values for fat, protein, carbohydrates, etc.  The Calorie Tracker also allows you to calculate how many calories your burn while exercising.  To sum it up: "With a simple tap, you can track how many calories you can consume, burn, and net on a daily basis." -

3.  LA Fitness Mobile (iPhone/Android - Free):  Although LA Fitness has not established a presence in Iowa (Blog location, duh?!), the North American health club chain has begun to change the way its members connect with their favorite gym.  With the company's App, users can search for clubs that possess the amenities they desire, and can also keep track of frequented exercise classes and competitive sports leagues.  LA Fitness Mobile also provides members with a means to stay up to date with the firm's latest Tweets, postings, and specials; update membership profiles; view purchase receipts; and track exercise sessions.  In addition, LA Fitness uses its App as a referral system - members can spread the LA Fitness love by creating a personal VIP list, which provides their friends with a two week guest pass to try out the company's facilities. 

4.  Runner'sWorld/New Balance Smart Coach (iPhone/Android - $0.99/Free):  Thinking about entering a race in the coming future?  Then download the Smart Coach App to receive customized training guides for race distances ranging from 5K to the Marathon.  By simply inputting your recent race times, weekly distance goals, training level, and "Long-Run Day," as well as a start and end date, you can obtain a personal running plan that suits your individual fitness level and goals.  Smart Coach programs are based on the work of exercise physiologists, who use known oxygen consumption and running speed/length formulas to develop the mobile programs, similar to the methods used for actual prescribed workouts.

The above Smartphone/iPhone Apps represent just a fragment of the multitude of Mobile Health and Fitness tools that companies have created to enhance the experiences of their customers.  Although they do not constitute Digital Advertising in a literal sense, their use certainly facilitates brand equity and loyalty, and allows businesses to connect their product/service offerings with the goal achievement enjoyed by customers and clients who use these innovative Apps.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Nutrition Note (October 6, 2011):

If you want serious results, you need a serious nutrition plan

Although we have all heard the simple statement "You are what you eat," I cannot begin to express the utter significance of this fundamental idea.  In order to perform at a high level and reach your goals, whatever they may be, you must provide your body with the means (i.e. the fuel) to do so.  In this light, quality, nutrient-dense foods from a variety of animal and plant-based sources represent the keys to your achievement, and a proper nutrition plan will help ensure that you consume exactly what you need to succeed.

So, what does an optimal nutrition regimen look like?  During the Summer, my lovely girlfriend, Jordan Llewellyn (you should find her on Facebook, she's pretty neat), stumbled upon (yes, on StumbleUpon) a brief blog post that identified a nutrition plan almost parallel to my own, though I think I may have the post's owner beaten in terms of strictness.  Although some individuals may deem the following program too unreasonable and/or restrictive, I think it has quite a bit of merit.  And, to be frank, it does provide a humor factor as well.  Take a look below:
(Warning: Certain expletive words and phrases do follow)

Now, I have no idea who this "Jamal" fellow is, but I must say, the man knows his stuff.  Although I wholeheartedly agree with the fundamental purpose of this plan, please do not perceive this post as me saying that you should not concern yourself with taste and/or enjoyment when you eat.  I recognize the social utility in food consumption, and can certainly attest to the importance of food flavor.  I mean, who doesn't love a good meal with close friends and family?  However, I do believe that eating has become more of a past-time than a means of a healthy existence, and simply wanted to make the point that a large population of the American community could benefit from serious alterations in their daily consumption habits.  Nevertheless, do try to test your integrity, as your success will make you feel like a f!#$%&@ million dollars.
Share Your Ideas! Leave a comment below, or message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

Don't forget your Smartphone when you walk out that door, you're bound to fail naked without it!

Andrew Snyder

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pocket Aces: Adidas Goes "All In" With Viral Video

On September 24, I posted a prime example of viral video gone horribly, horribly wrong: The "Just Say Ja" campaign by The Swedish Diet.  Without repeating the details (in fact, the thought of doing so makes me cringe), the video is humorously bad.  If you have not watched it, check out my September 24 post ("Viral Video Gone Wrong: The Amazing Swedish Diet"), but remember, I warned you.

OK, now that I have finished my mini "venting-session," I have an apology to make.  After writing and "publishing" my post about the Swedish Diet, I felt immediate apprehension, as well as a hint of remorse.  In my haste to bash that ugly specimen of an advertisement, I had forgotten to show you a model of an entertaining, creative, and engaging viral video.  I know my neglect to post an outstanding example left you devastated, so let me make it up to you by taking a moment, or 2 minutes, actually, to show you what viral video should look like.  Take a look at this Youtube spot by Adidas:

Let me give you a moment to pick your jaw up off the floor.......Ready?
The "All In" campaign by Adidas possess all the qualities of a "buzzworthy" viral video:
  • Relevancy: The ad features examples from nearly every sport - Football, Running, Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Biking, Cheerleading (I don't agree with this one, but most people do), and whatever you want to call skateboarding off of large objects into in-ground swimming pools
  • Social Proof: Unless you live the life of a hermit, you probably recognized a few, if not many, celebrity endorsements - Anyone else see Katy Perry in there?!
  • Excitement: Backflips, crashes, fireworks, victory, and a brutal right hook...
  • Concise: To the point with minimal text - You do not need to have more than a few neurons to get it - Adidas has it all
  • High Audio and Video Quality: Great production value and a resonating soundtrack
"All In" effectively combines the above elements to form a single instance of genuinely "sticky" content.  Through its viral video, Adidas has definitely proven to me just how awesome its fitness apparel and shoes really are.  And, apparently, a lot of other people feel the same way:
  • The video currently enjoys approximately 2.3 million views on Youtube
  • The 1 minute version of "All In" ranked as number 5 on the August 25th AdAge Viral Video Chart.  Actually, 2 Adidas videos landed spots on the Ad Age charts for that week (the other one earned 2nd place, I just skipped it due to a personal bias for the "All In" ad)
That's the way to do it, Adidas.  I knew I selected you as my training apparel favorite for a reason.

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Healthy Habit (October 2, 2011):

Follow the lead of the Flintstones - Take your vitamins

I mean that metaphorically, of course.  I do not necessarily recommend that you start taking Flintstones vitamins (can you say added sugar?).  However, I do suggest that you heavily consider adding a few vitamin and mineral supplements to your daily intake.  Although you can obtain most of what you need by eating healthy food (aim to do this first), consuming added vitamins and minerals each day can help fill in the gaps that occur due to increased training and/or portion control.  Take a look at my daily vitamin cocktail to get an idea:
  •  B-100 Complex, Chromium Picolinate, and Niacin - Metabolism support and added energy
  • Glucosamine and Vitamin D - Bone, joint, and skin health
  • Potassium - Heart health
  • Vitamin C and E: Immune system health
  • L-Glutamine: Amino acid muscle fuel
  • Milk Thistle: Liver support
Note: You can find most of the above nutrients combined in a single, or double, dose multivitamin.

When it comes to vitamin and mineral supplements, the same rule I established for protein powders applies: High quality, nutrient dense food always comes first, supplements second.

Share your ideas: Leave a comment below, or message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

I'm all in, are you?

Andrew Snyder