Monday, September 26, 2011

Tapping Into Our Inner Couch Potato: In-Game Advertising By Fitness Firms

Ah...those annoying commercials have finally ended; you can now get back to watching your favorite crime fighter, heart breaker, and/or prankster go about his or her business during this week's episode of your T.V. show of choice.  But then again, are the advertisements really gone?  If you have not noticed, many popular brands and company products tend to pop up during popular television shows and hit movies, and not by coincidence, either.  Businesses spend considerable amounts of money to have their drinks, clothing, and other branded items appear before your eyes on the tube and the big screen, an age-old tactic known as product placement.  In recent years, due to the growth in the video game industry and online platforms, product placement has expanded into the virtual realm as well, taking on the form of a new promotional technique: In-Game Advertising (IGA).  In fact, IGA has become so increasingly common that Massive Inc. (an IGA provider) predicts its use will expand to a $1 billion dollar market by 2014.  Big Business really is everywhere.

Fun Fact

The Head Honcho himself has also experimented with In-Game Advertising.  During his 2008 campaign, President Barack Obama spent approximately $44,500 on IGA.  To encourage voter turnout, Mr. President purchased advertising space in 18 video games such as Burnout Paradise, Skate, and a few members of the EA Sports franchise.  Online gamers living in 10 "battle ground" states witnessed the billboard like ads as they played the various titles on Xbox Live or Playstation Network.  Take that Campaign Finance Reform.

Obama Billboard in Burnout Paradise.  Even in
the virtual world we still take our eyes off the road.

Big Surprise

You probably guessed it.  Yes, Health and Fitness firms also use In-Game Advertising as a means to promote their products.  I know that sounds somewhat ironic, or even hypocritical, given that sitting on your couch and button mashing for hours on end is not the ideal route to a healthy lifestyle.  However, if you consider the goal of IGA, or any promotional strategy for that matter - to make a positive connection between your product and the target audience - its use by Health and Fitness companies represents a logical marketing tactic.  For many individuals, video games provide an outlet to have fun and relieve stress, especially after crushing someone in Madden, or after defeating a hoard of zombies in COD: Black Ops.  By tapping into such an emotional experience, businesses can associate their fitness-related brands with the enjoyment of playing video games, an effect that becomes amplified when the user accomplishes some sort of goal, such as winning the championship game or beating level 99 on expert difficulty.  I mean, if my character in NBA Live sinks a half-court shot while sporting a pair of fresh Nike's, that means I can do the same if I buy those shoes, right?

Although most Health and Fitness firms focus their IGA efforts on sports titles, many companies promote their products in other video game genres as well.  To give you an idea of what health- and fitness-related IGA looks like, I have displayed a few examples below:

Everyone Loves the 90s
Company: Adidas
Game: FIFA International Soccer (Sega CD)
Release: July 1993

There it is, the ever famous shoe manufacturer.  Although the game's graphics seem inferior in today's world, in 1993 this little 16-bit ad probably resulted in a spike in Adidas' shoe sales.

Blood Bath
Game: UFC Undisputed 2010 (Xbox 360, Playstation 3)
Release: May 2010

I feel a sense of comfort knowing that the supplement company, BSN, supports my desire to beat my opponents to a bloody pulp.  Score.

The Greatest
Company: Everlast
Game: Fight Night Round 3 (Xbox 360, Playstation 3)
Release: February 2006

When you think boxing gloves, you almost always think Everlast.  Therefore, it only seems natural that the firm's gloves appear in this famous boxing video game.  By the way, I accept any challenge to Fight Night Round 3 for Xbox 360.  You will lose.

Search And Destroy In Style
Company: Under Armour
Game: Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 (Xbox 360, Playstation 3)
Release: November 2008

That Under Armour cap sure comes in handy as you save hostages, diffuse bombs, and execute terrorists.

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
Company: Gold's Gym
Game: Gold's Gym: Cardio Workout (Wii)
Release: March 2009

Although I question the game's ability to produce any significant results, the worldwide fitness equipment manufacturer definitely bent the rules a little bit with this one.  And, if anything, it stands as a worthy attempt to get people off the couch and into an exercise program.  Kudos.

As the video game industry expands and the playing experience becomes more realistic, I suspect that an increasing number of firms in the Health and Fitness industry will "ad" IGA to their marketing arsenals.  And, given the popularity of motion control platforms such as Playstation Move, Xbox Kinect, and Nintendo Wii, it seems likely that games like Gold's Gym: Cardio Workout will make their way into living rooms across the globe.  I just hope that nobody forgets the value of a good, old-fashioned run or weight training session...

Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, And Healthy Habits

Training Tip (September 26, 2011):

Blast some tunes to boost your workout.

If you have a difficult time sustaining your momentum while training, try listening to some up-beat music.  If you already have a workout playlist constructed, consider adding a new artist or genre to your set of favorites.  In my opinion, you can never go wrong with some straight-up, in your face metal.  Need a few ideas in this regard?  Take a look at what I have been spinning as of late:

1.  All Shall Perish: This Is Where It Ends (2011).  I actually just snagged this album last week.  You should have seen the mess of broken stuff I had to clean in the weight room after raging to this brutal CD.
2.  The Acacia Strain: Wormwood (2011).  I tend to use my emotions as a fuel source when exercising, and this epic release has everything I need to let off a little steam.
3.  White Chapel: A New Era Of Corruption (2010).  One word: Angry.
4.  Three Inches Of Blood: Advance And Vanquish (2004).  Hard and fast, with a hint of 70's stylization.  This bad boy pushed me to a Half Marathon PR at the Park 2 Park Running Festival (9/10/2011).
Whatever artist or music variety you choose, make sure it has the potential to keep you pumped up and motivated.  Also, do not select something you will want to change within 5 minutes of hitting the play button - you do not want to waste your time at the gym fiddling with your iPod.  I can assure you that sliding your finger on that touch screen or turning that click wheel with your thumb will not improve your health or fitness level.

Before I sign off:  I was dead serious about that Fight Night Round 3 challenge.  Bring it.

Share Your Thoughts!  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!  Or, leave a comment below!

Andrew Snyder 

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