Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Social Media Saga: Twitter 1 - Can Health And Fitness Firms Tweet Their Way To The Top?

To get things started, here’s a little bit of insight from a certain family man you may know:

Although humorous, Peter Griffin’s recital of “Surfin’ Bird” by the Trashmen does offer a piece of factual information about the technological world we live in: The bird is the word.  Of course, the bird on my mind is not “of the avian variety,” but rather is a Social Media outlet that has grown exponentially in popularity over the past few years: Twitter.  In case you haven’t heard about this particular bird, Twitter allows users to post 140 character (or less) “Tweets” - similar to Facebook Status Updates - about current events, ideas, popular trends (displayed in the form of a “Hashtag,” denoted by the “#” symbol), or just general gossip.  Members can “Follow” each others’ Tweets and join lists; post links, pictures, and videos; and perform numerous other actions, all via a simple mouse click.  With more than 100 million active users, and over 230 million daily Tweets, just about everybody—people and businesses alike—knows that the bird is the word.
In the spirit of Twitter, the rest of this post appears as a series of 140 character or less statements, or "Mock Tweets," if you will.  Enjoy!
  • Like its’ big brother, @Facebook, @Twitter represents a marketing #oasis – millions of people sharing opinions and preferences.

  • Why @Twitter?  #Business Account = Free access to consumer preferences/opinions (valuable information) + Free W-O-M.

  • Companies amass followers, Tweet about their products and services, generate awareness, and engage with customers.

What about the #Health and #Fitness Industry?
Health and Fitness firms also see the value of creating @Twitter accounts, and utilize them for many common purposes.
  • Businesses Tweet about new products, services, and information, as well as company-sponsored events and public appearances.
  • Many organizations “Re-Tweet” and reply to the Tweets of their followers, allowing for a more #personal connection with customers.
  • Health and Fitness companies use Tweets to share exercise/nutrition tips,motivational quotes, and informational resources.
  • Businesses employ Twitter to promote special online discounts, coupons, and other exclusive offers.
  • Company profiles contain brief (140 characters or less) organizational information, website links, and photos.
Other Twitter Tactics exist, and the website’s growing popularity may in fact allow some Health and Fitness Firms to Tweet their way to the top.
Next Issue: To Be Determined

ANDREW’S ADVICE – Health Habits, Nutrition Notes, and Training Tips
(Twitter Format Continued)
Nutrition Note (September 13, 2011)
When grabbing a drink, choose water over soda.  Your body (and wallet) will thank you.

I'll give you 4 reasons why
  1. Typical 20 oz. bottle of soda: 70 grams of sugar and 250 empty calories.  Now multiply those figures by 2-3 bottles/day…you get the point.
  2. The added caffeine may "pep you up" when you need a boost, but may also lead to the ever-famous "caffeine crash," anxiety, or even dependency.
  3. Soda's carbonation and acidic properties drain your body of calcium, weakening your bones and increasing your chance of injury.
  4. Don't let diet soda fool you.  It often contains just as much caffeine, in addition to artificial sweeteners that may pose health risks.
When we sense thirst it means our bodies require hydration, and water is the purest way to fulfill that need.
TTFN – Tweet Tweet For Now!
Andrew Snyder
Don't forget to share your ideas with me via E-mail (snydeaab@uni.edu), Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

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