Monday, September 5, 2011

Breaking The Ice

Welcome To Digitally Fit!
We have reached the era of hyper-communication.  Computers, Smart Phones, and the Internet have become household staples for millions of people across the globe, completely altering the way we discover and exchange goods, services, and information.  The world continues to “log on” and “link up” at an incredible rate, forcing businesses in nearly every industry to reconsider promotional strategies that focus primarily on traditional media outlets such as print, radio, and television.  Instead, successful companies now realize the importance of an online presence when attempting to build relationships with their customers.

Similar trends have occurred in the market for health and fitness goods/services as well.  Organizations that provide nutrition advice, training equipment, dietary supplements, and other health related products have begun to implement digital advertising tactics in order to connect with the growing number of technologically-affluent consumers, both young and old.  For the next three months, as I research these new techniques and applications, I will share them with you here via regular Blog updates.  I plan to post videos, pictures, and examples of what I find, providing an in-depth look at some of the new and unique promotional strategies utilized by well-known health and fitness companies.  My overall goal is to not only supply you with interesting content to read, but to also provide you with the ability to differentiate quality health-related information from profit-hungry, "black hat" (rule-breaking) marketing techniques, allowing you to become a Digitally Fit consumer!

Future Blog Topics
Social Media Marketing
Basic Website Implementation
Online Video Marketing/Viral Videos
In-Game Advertising
Mobile Marketing
And Many More!

Next Issue: The Social Media Saga: Facebook 1 – Fitness Firms are our Friends?

ANDREW’S ADVICE – Nutrition Notes, Training Tips, and Healthy Habits!
A health and fitness Blog does not act as much of a resource if it does not offer actual health and fitness advice!  Therefore, I plan to conclude each of my posts by sharing my knowledge in the areas of exercise, nutrition, and dietary supplements - information I have obtained through various articles, personal trainers, and my very own trial and error.  I truly believe that making healthy lifestyle choices can provide many benefits, and hope you will consider incorporating some of the ideas I list here into your own daily routine.  Also, I would love to hear your thoughts as well!  If you disagree with any of my suggestions, or have one of your own, feel free to message me via Email (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

Nutrition Note/Training Tip/Healthy Habit (September 5, 2011)

Two words: Baby steps. 

You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run.  When making lifestyle updates—to your nutrition regimen, exercise program, work/school procedures, etc.—do so incrementally.  I’m not telling you to give up or give in easily, just have some idea as to where your limits lie.  Always put forth 110%, but also supply your body, as well as your mind, with enough time for proper recovery and rejuvenation.

Until Next Time,

Andrew Snyder

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