Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Nexercising"- An Innovative Approach to Healthy Living and Fitness Marketing

Although the blasphemous existence of "National Fast-Food Day" and a series of other ridiculous "holidays" may convince you otherwise, most people, at the very least, recognize the many benefits inherent in frequent physical activity.  However, when discussing an effective fitness program, remaining committed to your exercise initiative, or even starting one, for that matter, can sometimes seem like a torturous task.  Indeed, you must take the time to organize workouts into your daily schedule, find the type of training that works best for you, and then endure a few aches and pains along the way.  To top it off, most of your (recognizable) improvements will occur in a time-delayed fashion, which may cause you prematurely opt for a new exercise routine - starting the process all over again.  This vicious, disheartening cycle makes it almost too easy to just throw in the towel and succumb to the old adage (which I hate, FYI): "What's the point?  I'm going to die anyway!"

Nexercise - Earn Rewards While You Exercise

If you feel tempted to employ the slightly suspicious (and somewhat lazy) excuse listed above as a means to validate a sedentary lifestyle, or if you feel the need to pinch your pennies so tight that you forego any resource investments that do not provide an immediate return, than I may have found your saving grace.  What if I told you that by exercising frequently and tracking your progress, you will not only enjoy improvements in your overall health, but also obtain the opportunity to compete with your friends, earn leadership badges in Social Media networks, and win discounts to real fitness products, as well as free merchandise?  Yeah, I thought that might grab your attention.  In a nutshell, these engaging and satisfying features form the foundation of a (free) Smart Phone application (app) called Nexercise.  Currently available on the iPhone operating system (Android release anticipated in the near future), Nexercise offers an interactive way to earn rewards for physical and social activity - things you should probably do anyway - which provides the extrinsic motivation that some people need in order to kick start (or maintain) a wellness program:

A tracking system, competitive atmosphere, and rewards?!  Sign me up!

Benefits for Consumers AND Marketers - A Two Way Street

As a fitness enthusiast and an aspiring marketer, I view the Nexercise app as a "win-win" platform for both consumers and businesses:

For the Consumer
"Nexercising" (as dubbed by the company):
  • Supplies users with tangible incentives for arising from the couch and engaging in physical activity
  • Increases buyer awareness for healthy products and services
  • Serves as an effective means for tracking fitness improvements and goal acheivement
  • Allows for a fun, friendly form of competition
  • Incorporates a readily accessible and easy-to-use interface via Mobile technology
For the Marketer
By integrating promotional programs with the Nexercise app, Fitness marketers can:
  • Align their goods and services with a healthy initiative
  • Enhance consumer recognition for their established offerings, while generating awareness and product trial for new market entries
  • Capitalize on positive brand associations, as users may transfer the joys of weight-loss and heightened athletic performance to the products obtained via 'point' accumulation
  • Access real-time customer data pertaining to redeemed discounts and Social Media conversations
A New Beginning for Health, Fitness, and Digital Marketing?
    Although I believe that intrinsic motivation stands as the best form of inspiration when striving for fitness improvements, I cannot argue with Nexercise's initiative to foster a fun and (literally) rewarding exercise experience.  In short, the app combines many facets that a large number of consumers love: The ability to play games, socialize, and earn free merchandise, as well as a means towards leading a healthy lifestyle.  Additionally, assuming that it remains untarnished by companies that sell unhealthy goods and services, Nexercise provides fitness firms with many profitable marketing opportunities.  Given the likelihood that the people who download the app also use the brands advertised via the "points" system, companies that partner up with Nexercise can increase the relevancy of their promotions, thus improving the potential for subsequent product adoption.  As Nexercise continues to grow in terms of application use, and begins to appear as a downloadable option for the Android operating system, consumers and marketers alike will have the capacity to reap the benefits of physical activity/healthy living in a timely manner.  How's that for a "point," ye exercising nay-sayers?

    Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Healthy Habit (November 23, 2011):

    Don't let Thanksgiving Day cloud your fitness judgement

    Ah, Thanksgiving.  A day full of the 3 F's: Family, Fun, and a Feast that has the potential to completely F*@# up your fitness regimen.  Okay, maybe I went a little too far with that one.  Regardless, the ever famous day of stuffing-your-face-with-grandma's-goodies-only-to-spend-hours-laying-on-the-couch-with-your-pants-unbuttoned does not have to throw a wrench into your health/nutrition commitments.  Here's a few helpful hints to keep you on track this Thanksgiving:

    1. Go for the white meat.  Instead of snagging a drumstick with skin, or a cut of dark meat, opt for a serving (about the size of a deck of cards) of white meat turkey.  Because white meat contains a substantially smaller amount of fat than its dark counterpart, it provides you with a much leaner, healthier source of protein and amino acids.

    2.  Stick with mashed potatoes.  Although that bowl full of gooey, candied sweet potatoes may catch your eye, do your body a favor and help yourself to a scoop of the mashed variety.  Regularly cooked spuds (assuming they're not loaded with butter!) represent a healthier source of carbohydrates and vitamins, and will also satisfy your relentless hunger.  On a related note, you probably do not need to completely flood your potatoes with gravy - two or three drizzled spoonfuls will do just fine.

    3.  Keep it simple when selecting vegetables.  Thanksgiving dinner abounds with a variety of vegetable casseroles, the most famous of which containing green beans.  However, I guarantee that your aunt prepares her famous dish with an endless supply of cream, butter, and salt, which turns an otherwise healthy alternative into a calorie dense disaster.  So, as you fill your plate with colorful greens, choose vegetables that still resemble their original form, and then kick them up a notch with a variety of herbs and spices.

    4.  Organize a family activity following dinner.  After the feast has concluded, rather than sacking out in front of the television to watch football, head outside and actually play a game or two with your family.  Or, if you do not enjoy throwing around the "ol' pigskin," set up a basketball tournament, obstacle course, or a relay/sack race.  Partaking in at least some form of physical activity will help you burn off a few calories, allow you to spend some time with your loved ones, and provide you with an opportunity to embarrass your cocky uncle Bill as you show him up on the field.

    Have a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving!

    Andrew Snyder

    Don't Be Shy!  I want to hear from you!  Leave a comment below, or message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Wim Hoff and Columbia Sportswear - A "Cool" Approach to Digital Marketing

    Now that we have passed the halfway point of November, those of us lucky enough to enjoy the moody Northern Iowa climate have begun to prepare for the Winter months ahead.  Well, maybe not all of us, but I definitely have, for I detest cold weather with an undying passion.  Not only do I shiver (pun intended) at the thought of having to walk to and from my daily classes through freezing temperatures, on sidewalks littered with snow and ice, I also loathe the fact that I will soon need to find an alternative to my morning runs - at least for those days in which sub-zero forecasts and/or slippery trails force me to opt for the treadmill.  Although I hope Old Man Winter holds off for just a few more weeks, I can feel his chilling breath at my back; he senses my fear and will soon relinquish his icy terror...

    Okay, okay.  Maybe I have a slightly exaggerated anxiety for frigid weather.  Nevertheless, it seems that Columbia Sportswear has heard my relentless whimpering, and has come to my rescue with its new Omni-Heat Electric line of outdoor clothing.  To top it off, the company has also developed an impressive digital marketing campaign in order to introduce its "hot" new gear (again, pun intended).  Check it out:

    Wim Hoff, you're a better man than me, for I can assure you that no one will ever find me running around half-naked at the tip of the Arctic Circle, or whatever you want to call that frozen Hell upon which you walk.

    "Chilling" with Columbia and "The Ice Man"

    Actually, I have met Wim before; he appeared in Discovery Channel's documentary series entitled "Extraordinary People" a few years ago.  I must say, his ability to employ his mind for body temperature regulation is quite amazing.  Equally impressive, at least in terms of digital marketing creativity, is Columbia's decision to cast the Ice Man (not to be confused with Chuck Liddel) in its online campaign for Omni-Heat Electric.  Obviously, you, me, and virtually every other person in the world cannot adjust our body heat in the face of glacial adversity, thus validating the claim that we are clearly "not Wim Hoff."  With the inclusion of this brief tag line, the Internet advertisement effectively widens Columbia's available market to potentially any person who has an immediate need for warm and rugged clothing in the near future.  And, as an individual who has enjoyed the company's coats, boots, and hats throughout many a cold Winter, I can personally attest to the quality of its outdoor wares.  Assuming that Columbia's other customers hold the same degree of product satisfaction as myself, the firm certainly possesses the requisite credibility for developing such a blunt, yet appropriate promotional program.

    Screen shot of  Columbia's YouTube page -
    I'm catching pneumonia just by looking at it.
    To augment Wim Hoff's standing as the Omni-Heat Electric "Anti-Spokesperson," Columbia has recently devoted its entire YouTube channel towards hosting a series of "cool" videos (my last pun, I promise).  Ranging from "Wim-Hoff - Another Day at the Office" to "Ice Hole," each short spot capitalizes on the same main idea: Although the Ice Man can parade around in his underwear throughout the sub-zero climate, most of us cannot, so we should probably bundle up in Columbia's Omni-Heat gear, which offers "warmth at the touch of a button."

    Columbia's Facebook Page

    In addition to his appearance on Columbia's YouTube profile, Wim Hoff has also earned his own section on the company's Facebook page.  Titled "Wim Hoff" (how appropriate), the tab includes the above mentioned videos, the ability to peruse the Omni-Heat Electric product line, and links that direct users to the storefront available on Columbia's corporate website.  Also, because most consumers now expect the integration of sales promotions into any marketing campaign, the sportswear firm has developed a neat little contest that offers its Facebook fans an opportunity to win free Omni-Heat Electric gear:

    An Avalanche of Success

    As someone who loathes Winter and all of its unpleasantries, I find myself drawn to the warm tug (okay, I lied, one more pun) inherent in Columbia's Wim Hoff initiative.  And, given that the Ice Man videos have collectively generated over 1,000,000 online impressions, I do not think I stand alone in that regard.  Nice work, Columbia.  You should feel proud that, like Mr. Hoff himself, someone in your corporate ranks has used his or her brain for something other than participating in the weekly send-home vote on "Dancing with the Stars."

    Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Training Tip (November 20, 2011):

    When choosing a training partner, pick the one who's "right" for you

    Having a partner in crime while at the gym or out on the trail can serve as an effective means for achieving your fitness goals.  Indeed, an exercise "buddy" will help you stay motivated and on track, while also ensuring that you perform each workout safely and effectively.  However, not all training partners are "created equal," meaning you should keep a few things in mind when selecting someone to accompany you while exercising:

    1. Training Schedule.  Obviously, you and your teammate need to have an exercise routine in place that fits both of your schedules.  Set a time (and place) that works best for the both of you, taking into account such factors as the operating hours at your local gym, work (and other) obligations, and the time of day in which you and your partner feel energized and ready for action. 

    2.  Fitness Goals.  Many people exercise for a variety of reasons, including weight loss, strength-building, cardiovascular endurance, and/or general recreation.  Partnering up with someone who holds similar training objectives will allow you to remain focused on your fitness goals, provide you with support during your "off days," and afford you the ability to develop a lasting relationship as both of you begin to enjoy success.

    3.  Physical Capabilities.  Related to common fitness goals, you and your workout partner should also possess comparable levels of physical aptitude.  When two people have different skill sets and training thresholds, problems are bound to occur.  Not only will one person have to "ease up" and forego fitness improvements, the other will likely place his or her safety at risk by trying to push too hard, too fast.

    4.  Common Interests.  Because you will spend a substantial amount of time with your exercise partner of choice, you may want to find someone who shares similar values, ideals, hobbies, etc., in addition to those pertaining to health and fitness.  Doing so facilitates the relationship-building process, thus improving your overall training experience.  In simple terms, if you would never consider hanging out with a prospective workout companion, you may want to choose someone else.

    Regardless of who you team up with, remember that your primary objective needs to focus on achieving your health and fitness goals, not your partner's.  Although exercising with a friend can be both motivating and enjoyable, such satisfaction should not come at the expense of improvements in your training, as well as your overall safety.

    Happy Hunting!  Maybe the Ice Man will go on a run with you?

    Andrew Snyder

    Ideas?  Share them with me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!  Or, leave a comment below!

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    26.2 Miles and Beyond: Asics' Creative Approach to Marketing at the NYC Marathon

    This weekend, on November 6, 2011, millions of people from across the globe came together to either view or take part in one of the world's largest running events: The ING New York City Marathon.  For professional runners, the ING Marathon attributes to somewhat of a "walk in the park," although you would never venture such a guess given their lighting-fast speed.  On the other hand, for many of the sport's avid enthusiasts, participating in this 26.2 mile race stands not only as the ultimate test of physical endurance and mental strength, but also as a potentially life-changing event.  Indeed, numerous people holding a wide range of skill sets devote entire months to strenuous preparatory training, endure painful race-day blisters and cramps, and fight their way through the ever-famous "Marathon Wall" - all for the sense of accomplishment that can come from completing a marathon.  Consequently, it should seem only natural that organizations tied to the sport of running would desire to align themselves with such an well-known, intensely emotional race.

    Enter Asics.  Asics, an international manufacturer of running footwear and apparel (as well as other fitness-related gear), has served as a sponsor for the ING New York City Marathon for many years.  In that time frame, the organization has utilized multiple forms of media advertisements associated with the event - ranging from static billboards and print ads to T.V. commercials and website banners - in order to generate brand awareness and product adoption, as well as recognition for Asics athletes.  For the 2010 and 2011 marathons, however, Asics and its hired ad agencies developed two extremely unique, digitally-enabled campaigns than do more than promote the company's top of the line shoes and endorsed runners.

    Support Your Marathoner

    Making its debut in the 2010 NYC Marathon, Support Your Marathoner innovatively combines Social Media and online content with the age old success of billboard advertising.  With the help of Vitro, an ad agency who has created many remarkable campaigns for such companies as Kyocera, Lysol, and Intel, Asics aligned its running brand with the intimate nature of completing a marathon.  Take a look at the video below, which highlights the key features of last year's Support Your Marathoner initiative:

    At the forefront, the Support Your Marathoner campaign, with its high degree of both online and offline engagement, allows Asics to enhance its reputation as a firm committed to supplying runners with the tools they need to succeed: Quality footwear and apparel, as well as emotional support.  By providing the family members of the ING Marathon's participants with the ability to "help" their loved ones complete the physically-taxing event, Asics most certainly carved out a distinct position for itself in the close-knit running community.  In addition to building the firm's overall brand image, the emotion-based promotion also supplied Asics with a substantial degree of exposure.  This year in particular, 46,536 runners took part in the New York City Marathon, and approximately 2 million spectators attended the event in order to cheer on their friends and family.  Such a large audience in one central location represents a significant amount of ad impression opportunities, even if only a fraction of potential viewers actually witnessed the interactive billboards.  Oh, before I forget, consider a few additional prospective audiences: The 300+ million people who may have seen the Support Your Marathoner messages while watching the race on T.V. or the Internet, the plethora of online users who may have stumbled upon the campaign while surfing the web, and the approximately 35,000 individuals who have seen the above video (including you and me!).

    Asics Marathon Experience

    As part of the company's affiliation with the ING New York City Marathon, Asics has incorporated the concept of the 26.2 mile endurance race with its new national advertising campaign: "Stop at Never."  On October 31, Asics began displaying a collection of marathon exhibits in the New York City Columbus Circle Subway Station.  Titled "Marathon Experience," the set of displays "speak directly to Asics' commitment to athletic excellence and technological innovation."  And, to top it off, the components of the Marathon Experience program represent truly creative approaches to the sport of running, as well as corporate advertising.

    Two Football Fields Worth of Running Content

    To implement the Marathon Experience campaign, Asics, via assistance from Vitro (see above), CBS Outdoor, and Inwindow Outdoor, has literally taken over the Columbus Circle Station with a series of 64-foot-long visuals that comprise of interactive videos, product advertisements, and inspirational marathon content.  One section of the promotion, titled "Run With Ryan," has garnered a lot of attention in the past few days.  Check it out:

    In addition to "Run With Ryan," the engaging advertisements in Columbus Circle also feature an exposition titled "Slices of Life," which provides an in-depth look at the many components that feed into the creation of the New York City Marathon.  In particular, the display includes shots of the five boroughs the marathon runs through, the actual route of the race, an assortment of event facts, and a complete listing of each race participant.  Also, the screens that depict the streets of NYC are shot through the eyes of a runner, making the Marathon Experience initiative that much more personal.

    A shot of the Asics "Wall of Runners"

    Although not necessarily "digital" in nature, Asics has also exercised its "green thumb" via the inclusion of a visual entitled "Recycled Runner."  Developed by a New York artist, Recycled Runner transforms various forms of "marathon trash" (i.e. band-aids, water cups, gel packs, shoelaces, etc.) into an eye-catching masterpiece.  Take a look:

    Overall, many pedestrians have expressed a positive attitude towards Asics' Marathon Experience; some have even gone so far as to consider the group of promotions as a "work of art."  Given the common negativity towards corporate advertising in general, Asics should feel proud for producing such favorable sentiment for its marketing campaign. 

    Well, I think I may lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement for a while.  The Marathon Experience intiative ends at the end of November, which leaves me with little time to train for my showdown with Ryan Hall's digital phantom at the Columbus Central Subway Station.

    Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Nutrition Note (November 10, 2011):

    Stay on track with your nutrition regimen - "Brown Bag" your lunch.

    For most of us, time is of the essence as we go about our daily routines, making it that much more difficult to choose healthy alternatives for lunch and/or dinner.  All too often, the tantalizing call from "Mr. McDonald," "Ms. Wendy," or "The King" seems as a viable, time-saving meal option.  However, as you (hopefully) know, purchasing and consuming fast-food can wreak havoc on your body, and essentially nullify any progress you have made through your nutrition regimen.  To combat the strong pull from the drive-through, dust off your trusty 6th grade lunchbox, and make good use of it too.  Spend a few minutes each morning preparing your meals for the rest of the day, and utilize Tupperware or other food containers in order to keep your food fresh and enjoyable.  Or, if you find yourself strapped for time before heading off to school or work, cook an extra serving of your evening supper, and simply pack the leftovers to eat for lunch on the following day.  By planning your meals in advance, you can ensure that the foods you consume align with your specific health and fitness goals, and avoid the pitfalls inherent in fast-food.

    Have a fitness tip of your own?  Leave a comment below, or send me a message via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

    Andrew Snyder

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    Viral Video Blunders - Three Fitness Advertisements That Belong in the Recycle Bin

    During my latest Internet investigation for Digital Marketing campaigns utilized by Health and Fitness firms, three promotional videos frequently appeared in my Google search results pages.  Normally, I would consider this occurrence as a sign that some of the industry's leaders had developed advertisements worthy enough to garner the viewership of thousands, if not millions, of Internet users around the world.  Well, the videos had definitely succeeded in amassing an impressive amount of online impressions (views), but not because of their excellent ad copy or stunning imagery.  Rather, the Internet ads that I enjoyed exposure to had quite a different feel to them - they were tremendously horrible.  Given my previous discussion over the insanity of the Swedish Diet campaign (click here to view), you can imagine how I felt after viewing these company promotions.  So, instead of analyzing a set of innovative, creative, and engaging examples of employing the digital sphere to conduct marketing activities, I have decided to succumb to my inner urges, and use this post as a means to textually bash the three "not-so-good" videos that I just introduced.  Get ready for a few laughs, to say the least.

    K.E.F.T.Y. - Kinesthetic Exerciser For Transforming Yourself

    To kick things off, consider a recent market entry, the Kefty Home Gym.  Now, most "home gyms" have a notorious reputation for not only producing sub-par results, but for also utilizing ridiculous advertisements in order to generate awareness and product adoption.  For some strange reason (I still haven't figured this one out), however, "motivated" people across the globe continue to snatch up these pieces of trash like the local garbage man.  Say hello to the Kefty Home Gym:

    Seriously?!  That thing looks like something my penny-pinching father slapped together during one of his recent weekend-warrior escapades (sorry, Dad).  Not only does the Kefty Home Gym take the appearance of a combination of PVC pipe and bungee cords, the commercial promoting its "benefits" has the production quality and message consistency of a junior-high school film project.  Honestly, am I supposed to use the Kefty as a means to improve my fitness, or as a weapon in order to slay the donut-having members of our society?  And, if some miracle occurs and this product actually works as intended, I do not understand how that can solve one's "problem" of having a "Plumber's Butt."  Last time I checked, weight-loss frequently correlates with a waist line reduction, meaning that the ol' trousers might sag just a little bit - usually a fair trade-off for shedding a few pounds.

    Osim iGallop

    If you thought the Kefty Home Gym video seemed ridiculous, check out this spot for the Osim iGallop:

    Sorry Osim, but I think the West lost on this one.  Regardless of the abdominal benefits obtained by the Sport, I would never consider horseback riding as "one of the best forms of exercise," especially when enjoyed from the comfort of my own home.  To add fuel to the "Western fire," I have an even more difficult time trying to take this video seriously.  Does Osim really expect me to believe that the gun-slinging cowgirls in its ad achieved their stunning physiques by sitting on a fake horse?!  The damn thing doesn't even throw the rider around for crying out loud!  Now, if the promotion had suggested hay-bailing of some other form of strenuous ranch labor, I may have been slightly convinced...


    You have probably already heard of the infamous Shakeweight, and although it has received its fair share of media downplay from both South Park and Saturday Night Live, I thought I would add a little salt to its Internet wounds:

    Dynamic Inertia, huh?  Spare me.  First, consider the product itself.  The Shakeweight "focuses" on a rather small subset of muscles (arms, shoulders, and chest), although I doubt it has little effect there, either.  And, the device also lacks a cardiovascular component - a vital part of any fitness regimen, regardless of the results desired.  As for the Shakeweight video, I think South Park's reference to the male-coveted "Old Fashioned" sums it up pretty clearly.  For those of you who have not seen the South Park Shakeweight spoof, I suggest you conduct a brief search on Youtube.  If you do not want to look up the video, just think a little outside of the box when viewing the motion of the exercise, and I think you will understand exactly what I mean.

    Hope for Digital Marketing in the Health and Fitness Industry

    Despite the ridiculousness of these three videos, do not let them leave you with a negative impression of Health and Fitness advertising.  Many reputable companies have developed a series of creative, engaging, and truthful promotions that have allowed them to enjoy an outstanding amount of online exposure.  In fact, such "Viral Video Greats" have frequently appeared throughout this blog.  Feel free to take a look at my archive of posts, where you can view an assortment of examples for successfully incorporating both online and offline video into a well-established marketing campaign.

    Before I sign off, I ask one favor of you.  Please do not buy one of the products displayed above!  I can assure you that there are much better methods for improving your overall health and fitness.

    Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Nutrition Note (November 05, 2011):

    Never underestimate the power of a banana

    Bananas, in all of their scrumptious, yellow glory, commonly enjoy recognition as a "Super Food," and for good reason, too.  Because they contain ample amounts of Vitamin B and Potassium, bananas serve as a great way to manage digestion and blood sugar levels, and can also help you replenish your body's electrolyte stores following an intense workout.  In addition, these golden goodies are packed full of fast-acting carbohydrates, making them an excellent pre-workout snack.  Given such nutritional power, it should seem as no surprise that monkeys consume bananas like candy while they happily swing from tree to tree.  Okay, I admit it, I may have gone a little too far on that one.  But, nevertheless, you should seriously consider incorporating bananas into your overall nutrition plan.  Doing so will provide you with the fuel you need for stellar performance, and will satisfy your sweet tooth as well!

    Have some advice of your own?  Share it with me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or leave a comment below!

    Thursday, October 27, 2011

    Building the Social Media Community: Nike's "Never Stop Running" Campaign

    "That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.  ...I ran clear across Alabama.  No particular reason.  I just kept on going.  I ran clear to the ocean.  And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, might as well turn around, just keep on going.  And when I got to another ocean, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back and keep right on going...I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours..."
    -Forrest Gump, 1994

    Sounds like quite the trek, eh?  Maybe to you and me, but definitely not to Alice, the face of Nike's latest marketing adventure: Never Stop Running.

    Never Stop Running?!

    Nike (Running)'s new Social Media campaign - Never Stop Running - coincides with the company's recent release of the Lunar Glide+ 3 Shields.  The main idea behind the video?  Snag a pair of these "ultra-comfortable" shoes, and, like Alice, you too may never stop running.

    The Never Stop Running initiative does more than just tout Nike's stellar footwear, however.  Rather, the program seeks to inspire online conversations and relationships amongst the members of the running community that engage in Social Media.  To foster participation, Nike has invited runners from around the world to share motivating stories, training tips, and general anecdotes about their favorite sport with the firm and its brand loyal followers.  Have you learned some valuable running advice recently?  Did you bust through a plateau during your last trail-run?  Or, maybe you caught wind of an upcoming event in your area?  If so, Nike and its millions of fans probably want to know all about it.  Simply leave a Comment about your story on Nike's Facebook Wall, or, if you prefer Micro-Blogging via Twitter, add the #neverstoprunning Hashtag to your next Tweet.  Chances are that someone else in the Social Media realm, if not Nike, will appreciate what you have to say.

    Nike's Role in Never Stop Running

    For many of the sport's enthusiasts, running is not just something you do to stay healthy - it is a way of life.  Therefore, to assist runners in obtaining the most from their running experience (and hopefully their new Lunar Glides), Nike plans to frequently unveil "running secrets" during the Never Stop Running campaign.  Appearing on the firm's Facebook and Twitter profiles, such advice will inform runners about ways to amp up their performance capabilities, allowing them to reach new heights, or distances in this case.  Additionally, Nike has also begun releasing Never Stop Running Challenges, which mobilize runners to increase the length of their training routes by completing some sort of task.  To verify accomplishment, participants must upload a picture that displays their success, and then Tag that photo to Nike's Facebook or Twitter account.  Take a look at the first Never Stop Running Challenge, which Nike created on October 24, 2011: 

    I wonder if Nike plans to distribute prizes for Challenge winners...

    Building the Never Stop Running Community

    Through its Challenges and running secrets, Never Stop Running not only motivates runners to shatter their PRs (Personal Records) and distance goals, it also provides them with an engaging opportunity to envelope themselves in the online running community.  Members have the ability to share their thoughts and ideas with others, establish unique friendships, and learn new training methods that can add a little spice to their possibly bland routines.  In less than one week (the campaign began on October 21), Never Stop Running has generated thousands of public interactions across Facebook and Twitter, ranging from Comments and Likes to Tweets and Tags.  To boost participation in this regard, Nike promptly responds to user activity.  Via Comments, Likes, @Replies, Re-Tweets, and the #neverstoprunning Hashtag, the company keeps the Never Stop Running culture alive and flourishing.  As the program continues to gain awareness, it should be interesting to see just how many people across the globe begin to partake in its unique functions.  Perhaps, if I am feeling generous, I will post a follow-up in the future.  Regardless, I tip my hat to Nike for utilizing Social Media in a fashion that corresponds with its fundamental purpose: Participation.  Do not bail out now, Nike.  You fired the starting gun, and now that the community has took off, it will certainly Never Stop Running.

    Andrew's Advice: Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Training Tip (October 27, 2011):

    Let out your inner warrior - Add a few, possibly 20, 50, or 100, Burpees to your next workout

    I know what some of you are asking yourselves as you look at your screen:  What the hell is a Burpee?  Rather than confuse you with a series of meaningless text instructions, I thought I would simply show you how to perform the infamous Burpee.  Check out this brief instructional video by FitFate that I found on Youtube:

    Burpees strengthen both your upper and lower body, making them a great addition to any exercise routine:

    1.  Running: Every 1-3 miles, depending on the distance of your run, hit the stop button on your watch and perform 15-20 burpees.  Doing so will keep your heart rate up, build your muscular strength, and add a little bit of the unexpected to those long, drone-like runs.

    2.  Biking:  Every 3 or 5 miles, park the ol' two wheeler and hammer out some Burpees.  Not only will you enjoy the above results, you will also rid yourself of some of the discomfort (for guys especially) that can surface while sitting on a bike seat for an extended period of time.

    3.  Weight-Training:  Burpees are a great way to boost your heart rate and energy level before a weight-training session, and can also enhance your muscular endurance.  That way, when it comes time to throw some real weight around in the gym, you know your body can handle the increased resistance.

    4.  General Calisthenics:  Burpees serve as a fantastic supplement to any combination of Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Dips, Squats, and other forms of calisthenics.  By incorporating Burpees into a body-weight workout, you can ensure that each of your muscles receive the attention they rightfully deserve.

    When performing Burpees, you should focus your efforts on quality rather than quantity.  Keeping an eye on your technique will allow you to obtain the maximum benefit from each and every Burpee.

    Now, get up, get out there, and throw a few down!

    Andrew Snyder

    Have an idea to share?  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

    Saturday, October 22, 2011

    The Social Media Saga: Klout - Measuring The Influence of Health and Fitness Firms

    Buyer Beware!

    Marketing has become a frightening term in the world of commerce and customer perception.  In fact, many consumer-protection agencies, political leaders, and upset moms worldwide will have you believe that the sole purpose of marketing is to convince innocent people like you and me to place our hard-earned money into the pockets of wealthy, cigar-smoking CEOs.  And, now that we have allowed large corporations to infiltrate our lives through our Facebook, Twitter, and related Social Media accounts, we will do anything they tell us to do, including purchasing their products and services.  In addition, Health and Fitness firms, as they tap into our desires to improve our personal well-being and appearance, most certainly have a tremendous impact on our decisions in the marketplace.

    Wait.  Does this really happen?  Do large businesses - Health and Fitness organizations in particular - actually sway our buying behavior through their marketing programs?  One way to find out, at least in terms of Social Media "swagger," is by taking a look at their Klout score.  No, I did not just make a spelling error.  Klout, an online portal that made its debut in 2008, analyzes the degree of influence that a particular user (or business, in the case of this discussion), has on websites such as Twitter and Facebook, among others, and then assigns a corresponding Klout score, ranging from 0-100.

    To determine a user's Klout score, Klout measures three variables related to the size of their social network (e.g. Follower/Following count and # of Friends), the the type of content that they create (e.g. Tweets, Comments, and Wall Posts), and the interactions others have with such messages (e.g. Re-Tweets and Likes).  Let me break each of the variables down for you:

    1.  True Reach - The number of people influenced by a user.  True reach is concerned with more than just having thousands of Followers and/or Friends, however.  Rather, Klout focuses on the audience members that actually react to posted content by responding to it or sharing it with others.

    2.  Amplification - The degree of influence that a user has over others in their network.  Measured on scale of 1-100, Amplification relates to the likelihood that a message will generate actions in the Social Graph (i.e. Re-Tweets, Likes, Comments, etc.).

    3.  Network Impact - The influence of a user's True Reach.  Also rated on a 1-100 scale, Network Impact specifies the frequency at with Opinion Leaders (i.e. people with a high Klout score) engage with the messages posted on a members Twitter and Facebook account.  In other terms, Network Impact basically applies the Amplification variable to an account holder's entire Social Media audience.

    After combining the above three factors, Klout then presents a final Klout score, which, in essence, identifies a user's ability to create engaging content that people wish to share in their respective social networks.

    So, just how influential are some the world's most well known Health and Fitness Firms?  To give you an idea, I have listed the Klout scores (including True Reach, Amplification, and Network Impact) of 4 organizations that have frequently appeared in my Blog posts.  Take a look at what Klout (as of Oct. 22) has to say about the nature of their Social Media presence:

    1.  Men's Health
    Klout Score: 80
    Top 3 Influential Topics: Health, Health Care, Fitness
    True Reach: 196K - "Men's Health has the largest, most engaged audience possible."
    Amplification: 71 - "Men's Health is very likely to have any message amplified and acted upon."
    Network Impact: 84 - "Men's Health is constantly engaged by influential people."
    Klout Style: Specialist - "You [Men's Health] may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none.  Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience."

    Klout Score: 61
    Top 3 Influential Topics: Bodybuilding, Health, Fitness
    True Reach: 14K - " has a huge network that is highly engaged."
    Amplification: 42 - " has a high percentage of content amplified."
    Network Impact: 65 - " generates a high level of engagement from other influencers."
    Klout Style: Broadcaster - "You [] broadcast great content that spreads like wildfire.  You are an essential information source in your industry.  You have a large and diverse audience that values your content."

    3.  Spartan Race
    Klout Score: 57
    Top 3 Influential Topics: Staten Island, Training, Fitness
    True Reach: 5K - "Spartan Race has worked very hard to successfully build a large, highly engaged network."
    Amplification: 39 - "Spartan Race generates a steady flow of actions and discussions."
    Network Impact: 60 - "Spartan Race is engaged by influencers."
    Klout Style: Specialist - "You [Spartan Race] may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none.  Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience."

    4.  Cytosport
    Klout Score: 47
    Top 3 Influential Topics: Business, Fitness, Chocolate (This better refer to protein powder flavors, NOT real chocolate!)
    True Reach: 1K - "Cytosport has worked very hard to successfully build a large, highly engaged network."
    Amplification: 27 - "Cytosport generates a steady flow of actions and discussions."
    Network Impact: 54 - "Cytosport is engaged by influencers"
    Klout Style: Feeder - "Your [Cytosport's] audience relies on you for a steady flow of information bout your industry or topic.  Your network is hooked on your updates and secretly can't live without them."

    So what?!

    Rather than measure the ability to wrongfully persuade consumers, Klout gives Health and Fitness firms the opportunity to measure the degree of meaningful influence they possess in their Social Media networks.  By analyzing the various components that contribute to their overall Klout score and style, organizations can determine whether the content they create on a regular basis actually "sticks" with their customers.  Similarly, Health and Fitness companies should monitor the topics that Klout deems them as influential about.  Whether or not they are entirely accurate, these identified subjects signal some of the perceptions that consumers have about a business and its brand(s).  Understanding why such associations occur is a key component to managing brand equity.  Case in point - Does Cytosport, a nutrition supplement manufacturer, really want to be considered influential about Chocolate?  I highly doubt it.

    Andrew's Advice - Training Tips, Nutrition Notes, and Healthy Habits

    Nutrition Note (October 22, 2011):

    When choosing fruits and vegetables, simply follow the colors of the rainbow

    Not to burst your bubble, but I did NOT just give you permission to go to town on a bag of Skittles.  Sorry.  What I mean by "follow the colors of the rainbow," is to consume fruits and vegetables that take on a palette of different tones and hues.  In doing so, not only do you add to the assortment of tastes and flavors offered by these healthy foods, you also ensure that you provide your body with the nutrients it needs for stellar performance.  In most cases (not all), fruits and vegetables of different colors contain separate types of vitamins and minerals.  Take a look at a few common fruit/vegetable-color combos fit for any fitness king or queen.

    Apples, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, etc. contain a plant pigment named Lycopene that may reduce the risk of several types of cancer.  And, to top it off, many red berries also have a large number of antioxidants that link to increased heart health.

    Cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, sweet corn, squash, and many others often possess high levels of beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in our bodies.  In doing so, these fruits and vegetables help us maintain our immune systems and promote improved vision.  In addition, many citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin B, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

    Asparagus, broccoli, kiwi, lettuce, limes, and spinach - the list goes on and on.  If you think back to Biology 101, you will remember that green plants receive their color from the pigment Chlorophyll, and usually contain Lutein.  Lutein, as well as another chemical, Zexanthin, work together to promote muscular maintenance and development.  And, leafy greens in particular offer an amply supply Folate and Vitamin B.

    Blueberries, eggplant, plums, grapes, and raisins (and more) are a great source of antioxidants that improve our vulnerability to cancer, stroke, and heart disease.  In some research experiments, eating blueberries correlated with improved memory and healthy aging.

    Bananas, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, and turnips, just to name a few, possess a chemical known as Allicin, which has been found to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and may also ward off stomach cancer and heart disease.  To top it off, some yellow fruits/veggies such as bananas also contain relatively large amounts of Potassium - an important mineral for optimum cell/organ functioning.

    So, as you reach for fruits and vegetables throughout your day, look to Mr. ROY G BIV for a little bit of guidance.  I promise that your body, and your taste buds, will thank you.

    Share Your Ideas!  Message me via E-mail (, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!

    Andrew Snyder